
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

IWSG: Write. Travel. Garden. Repeat.

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. If you are a writer in need of support and encouragement, or a writer who has wisdom to share, please join us HERE

Many thanks to our host Alex Cavanaugh and this month's awesome co-hosts : Tonja Drecker, Beverly Stowe McClure, Nicki Elson, Fundy Blue, and Tyrean Martinson!

Wow. Here we are at the last post of the year already! This year flew by. 

Here is this month's optional question:

Q: Let's play a game. Imagine. Role-play. How would you describe your future writer self, your life and what it looks and feels like if you were living the dream? Or if you are already there, what does it look and feel like? Tell the rest of us. What would you change or improve?

A: This is a timely question, because I'm two years away from retirement and I think about it all the time. I have hopes and dreams--and a lot of doubt and fears. I know what I want it to be like, but the universe has ways of throwing a plot twist at you when you're least expecting it.  

First, travel: six months in Shrewsbury, England. It's where my fictional town of Sabrina Shores is based in my Indigo Eady series. I've also decided to set my new Brother Bart series there. It's rich with history and a perfect setting for a ghost monk to reside. 

Next we'll be motor-homing it around the States for a year or two. I'm envisioning writing at the beach, or next to a mountain lake. Water is very soothing. 

And finally, putting down roots. Hopefully in a place that we fell in love with on our travels. Ideally, it will be near water. It must have beautiful fall weather, and a little plot of dirt for gardening. And of course a garden to write in!

Above all, whatever I'm doing, it involves writing. Every day. I want readers to love my books and stories. And of course financial success would mean that I could maintain this simple but lovely lifestyle. Write. Travel. Garden. Repeat.  

What does your writing dream look like? 


  1. Being able to visit the setting of your stories would be wonderful.

    1. It is! I've been to Shrewsbury a couple of times and can't wait to go back.

  2. Congrats on retiring in two years! I'm not quite there but I will cut back to part-time work next year and will have more time to write. I can't wait!

    1. I'm so excited to retire so that I can move on to my writing career :)

  3. How exciting! I love to travel. You'll have to blog your adventures and I'll live vicariously.

  4. You'll enjoy time in England. Been there twice and want to go again.
    Like you, I can see the end of the tunnel approaching...

    1. I'm a complete anglophile. Can't wait to go back!

  5. That sounds like an amazingly wonderful dream. Two years isn't a long ways off! :) My writing dream involves a cabin in the mountains... after my kid is all grown up, happy and successful.

    1. Your dream sounds wonderful. You're kiddo will be grown in the blink of an eye.

  6. This sounds so wonderful!! Especially visiting the setting of your stories - what an amazing experience that will be. :)
    Congrats on being so close to retirement!

  7. Traveling the States in an RV sounds like found adventure. Lots to look forward to.

    1. Yes, it’s a big country and lots to see. Can’t wait!

  8. I love the idea of a ghost monk. Looking forward to that series!

    1. Thanks, Ellen. I think he’s going to be a hoot. :)

  9. Wishing you everything you wish for in the new decade 🤗🌹

  10. The travel plans sound great. Be prepared for the writing to be difficult while you are traveling. If you are doing it in an RV, that will help. Plan to stay put in some places for a week or two, and you'll settle in well enough to write. Moving around a lot means that the mere logistics of travel, added to the time getting there and the sight-seeing that is the point, all eat up the time you thought you had for writing. Yeah, that's my experience talking. Even so... I wouldn't trade in the travel, and I've allowed the time pressures to push me to work harder when we are stopped.

    1. I do have difficulty writing while traveling. In England, we will have a home base. So that should be okay. The RV will be more difficult, I think. But yeah, to travel I will work out!


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