
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

IWSG: California is Closed

No kidding around, it's April 1st, and time for our monthly Insecure Writer's Support Group post, which occurs on the first Wednesday of every month. Please join us HERE. 

Thank you to our host, Alex Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts for making this monthly event work flawlesslyDiane Burton, JH Moncrieff, Anna @ Emaginette, Karen @ Reprobate Typewriter, Erika Beebe, and Lisa Buie-Collard!

This month's optional question is: 

The IWSG’s focus is on our writers. Each month, from all over the globe, we are a united group sharing our insecurities, our troubles, and our pain. So, in this time when our world is in crisis with the covid-19 pandemic, our optional question this month is: how are things in your world?

The governor of California issued a stay-at-home order on Thursday, March 19th. The next day I went to work to close things down, issued a blanket mass email to customers, and recorded a new voicemail to indicate we were closed for the foreseeable future. 

That lasted about a day, until we discovered construction was exempt from that order. We regrouped, issued new health and safety guidelines, and got back to work. I'm feeling very blessed and grateful that I can still bring in a paycheck. 

I work remotely from home and go into the office once per week for items such as banking and payroll. But I have to say, when I'm at work, people still come into the office even though I tell them we're closed. There are those who are not taking social distancing as seriously as they should. It's worrisome. 

Shortages of certain foods and cleaning supplies is the norm, but in no way are we hungry. We eat some things we don't normally eat (I found some Vienna sausages--yum!). We're more appreciative of things we used to take for granted--the hubs found some gallon containers of water and some butter and flour (score!). Now if I could only find some yeast, LOL. I looked up yeast making on YouTube, but it requires a bit of coddling, which I will do if it comes down to it. 

I love on my dog more, and tell him how special he is (#TuffyGardner is nearly 15 years old and struggling a bit), which makes my hubs jealous. 🤷‍♀️😆😉

But honestly, I have no complaints. I pray a lot. I work. I write. 

I'm not bored in the least. 

(P.S. After writing this post, the coffee machine went out on Monday morning. (*&$@#!!!). I searched the cupboards and pulled out an electric coffee pot that belonged to my parents circa 1970s. It works perfectly. They knew how to make things back then!)

Are you well?
How are you coping with the Corona Virus?
Best Wishes to You All, and
God Bless!


  1. Oh, so good to hear you're able to earn a paycheck still, in the middle of all this, and that you and your loved ones have been doing well! And LOL, thank goodness for that 1970s coffee pot! (You're right, things certainly aren't made as well as they used to be.) Hope you continue to be safe this April... <3

    1. I'm beyond grateful for my job. I'm blessed and know it!

  2. I don't want him to, but hubby is going out for a supply run today. Infection cases are few around us, but starting to rise. Once he makes this run we won't go out again for another month.

    It's spring now in Texas. We get outside to garden whenever the rains let up.

    Take care, Gwen. And a kiss for Tuffy.

    1. My hubs insists on doing the supply run as well. But we're being careful. It's a great time to garden and you'll have fresh veggies that haven't been handled by anyone else.

  3. I'm glad you can work from home. You're right, some people aren't taking it seriously enough. I'll need to go out again Friday and I'm seriously considering wearing my mask.

    I still have my old coffee maker, just in case. Plus an old-fashioned campfire pot!

    1. I wear my mask if I have to go out. That's part of holding back the spread. And we have one of those old-fashioned campfire percolators too! We are prepared!

  4. Gwen, Glad to hear you're able to stay on safely with your regular work. My regular job (the public library) is closed for the foreseeable future, but I'm starting to find more comfort in my other job, writing. Because what else am I going to do, right? Hope all continues to go well for you and yours.

    1. Getting to write is the silver lining. I try to sneak in some too ;)

  5. Glad you found another coffee pot. Coffee is a vital food source during these times. I always have a backup coffee pot. I work at home so am able to continue to work too. I'm getting in the groove of my new schedule.

    1. I love working from home, and my new schedule. I don't have far to go. LOL.

  6. California is closed - go home.
    Glad you're still getting a paycheck and have been trying new foods.

  7. Glad you had an alternative coffee-production system (I have about 4, only 2 of which use electricity...but I’m SOL if both grinders break, or the power goes out... I guess I should get a hand-cranked coffee girnder...) :D.

    Yeah, what’s the deal about yeast? A friend tipped me off about the shortage/price gouging. Fortunately, I’d just opened a 2-lb bag so we are good for a fair while, but, WTH?

    1. LOL! People are going back to their roots, baking bread, cooking at home. Gotta be ready!

  8. Did you ever think you'd hear that the U.S. was closed? Or any other country for that matter. Margaret Atwood will have book from this.

    I'm with you on holding onto things built in the past. They're sturdier and better made than what we have today. And they don't require batteries or coding capabilities.

    1. Yes! I have an old hand mixer circa 1970s as well. It works great! And sorta matches the electric coffee pot. LOL.

    2. Perfect. Never get rid of them. I have my grandmother's ancient Mix Master. It's so heavy I can hardly bring it onto the counter, but it beat the heck out everything and faster than my newer one.

  9. Yes, the people who aren't taking this seriously scare me too.

    I'm also grateful to still be able to work, though I've lost some contracts. Wishing you (and your pooch) all the best.

    1. My company is losing some contracts as well. But hopefully we can hang tough through this. Thanks for your kind wishes!

  10. So glad you were able to keep the business going! Illinois is sheltered-in-place, but not everyone is taking it seriously, here, either. Thankfully I'm not in Chicago, which has nearly a total lock-down. I can still go out for a walk. I've got a backup coffee maker, as well - the Keurig I kept in my office when I was still working outside the home. Funny how those superfluous appliances take on new life. Stay well, take care.

  11. I'm one of those vendors constantly out and about, talking to store managers, bumping against hordes of shoppers, wishing for a slow down as I build new displays. I don't consider my job essential just because I work at Travel Centers, but as long as I work, I get paid. Sad to put that into perspective.

    I live in NorCal, and while I see some slight lessening of traffic, I think its cuz everybody is at Home Depot. What a mad house!

  12. I'm doing well these days. We had a big scare with my dad going to the ER, but he's out and is okay. Then, we had another bit of a scare with 1, then 2, then 3 people from my husband's office testing positive for COVID. My husband can work from home, and we are 13 days out from last physical contact with his office, so we think we are okay, worried for those who have it, and for all of those out of work.

  13. Pray. Work. Write. The perfect combination.
    You're also lucky that you can work from home.

    So, the world has gone mad and everything is in limbo… neither here nor there… the global tailspin is crazy. Actually, it’s surreal. One of the bloggers used the word “discombobulated” and I had a good laugh. But she’s right. Just under a million virus infections within a month? Yes, discombobulated IS the word!
    Stay safe in your corner of the globe.

  14. Glad to hear you got to keep working. Stay safe, stay healthy, hange in there. Belated IWSG!

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