
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

#IWSG: Working Writer and Plodder: Nap Required


It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! 

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting this event every month, as well as this month's awesome co-hosts, Jemima Pett, Beth Camp, Beverly Stowe McClure, and Gwen Gardner (Me!). 

Here is this month's optional question - When you think of the term working writer, what does that look like to you? What do you think it is supposed to look like? Do you see yourself as a working writer or aspiring or hobbyist, and if latter two, what does that look like?

Hello, my name is Gwen 
and I am a working writer. 

With Covid, I work from home and this is what my "working writer" routine looks like: 

Get up at 5:00 a.m., walk on my treadmill for half an hour. Get to my desk by 6:00 and write until 7:00 (and I use this term loosely, because this can mean outlining, editing, researching, critiquing, and sometimes--often?--I don't get a lot done because I've fallen down the rabbit hole). 

At 7:00 (and often before) I start my day job, and usually finish up by 5:00, sometimes 6:00 (with the random after-hours call or text thrown in just to stir things up). Rarely does a weekend go by that I'm not putting out some kind of fire, real or perceived. (Because swimming pool construction is that important... *eyeroll*)

I also write on weekends, but by noon, a nap is required. 

Trust me, I've never been a high energy person. But I am a plodder and I just keep going. Didn't the turtle beat the hare? Every little step is still a step forward. Perseverance is the name of the game!

What keeps me going is that I'm retiring in 1.5 years!  

I feel like that is when my writing career can really begin.

I can do this!

What does your working 
writing life look like?

Are you a high energy person?
Or a plodder like me?

Are you the Turtle or the Hare? 



  1. I am a snail writer, and for reasons unknown, I haven't been able to write these past months. It sounds like you have scheduled a good routine. I am lethargic most of the day, you have me beat. Take Care. Stay Healthy.

    Thank you for co-hosting this month!

    1. Not being able to write these past months is understandable with the stress of everything going on in the world right now. Hang in there!

  2. How exciting! So happy for your soon to be retirement so you can get on with a more productive writing career. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. I'm racing toward the finish line--or is it the starting line? ;)

  3. Thanks for co-hosting. You definitely take a disciplined approach to your writing. I used to do that too when I started writing, but then I had to spend that time working on my blog to help other writers. That's awesome that you plan to retire soon and will have more time to write.

    1. You do a lot for writers, Natalie. I really appreciate you!

  4. Sometimes I think if I didn't have a full schedule to push me forward I would not know what to do! But boy it does sound nice! Thank you for co-hosting.

    1. A full schedule means structure--I have to have it. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Definitely a plodder. I think the turtle would beat me.
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

  6. Thanks for co-hosting, Gwen. Your writing schedule sounds a lot like mine when I was working. Be warned: That retirement means more time to write rumor is often false. When you have "all the time in the world:" and no set time, the hours sometimes just slip away. I was much more productive when working out of the home because those writing hours were precious and not to be wasted. Congrats on upcoming retirement. Go wisely, fellow writer.

    1. LOL, I've heard that about retirement. And I do have lots of other things I want to do as well...

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Love the blog header! Beautiful!

    I have more like 15 years to go till retirement. I am so envious! Thanks for co-hosting. :)

    1. I love my blog header! She illustrates my covers as well. A very talented lady if you need a recommendation.

  8. Thanks for co-hosting this month. You are definitely a working writer and I'm definitely a plodder. Yes, naps are required.

    1. Oh yeah, those weekend naps are a must to recover from my long weeks!

  9. You work some long hours. You are going to enjoy retirement SO much!

    1. I just can't wait! Lots to do before then though. Gotta keep my nose to the grindstone.

  10. Hi,
    I love your closing statement, Perseverance is the name of the game. I am a plodder too but I keep going. My pace and not everyone else's pace is what is important to me.
    Thank you so much for co-hosting.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

    1. Yes, just be your best self and don't compare yourself to others. It's hard! But we all work at our own pace.

  11. What! Swimming pool construction is very important! I'd die without our pool. The one we share with 5 other apartments. What you do is very important, Gwen. Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. LOL, our customers are very passionate about their pools as well.

  12. Some days, I'm a tortoise, some days the hare. Right now, I'm not writing, no energy. Naps are definitely in order. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

    1. I have my moments of hareness as well. LOL. I'd rather take a nap ;)

  13. Excellent schedule, Gwen. Plod on, I say. And I guess I'm in the plodding camp with you most of the time. Other times I zip through a draft. I wish I knew what made the difference. Thanks for co-hosting today. It's great to visit your site as always.

    1. The only time I ever zipped through a draft was BuNoWriMo, and what a mess it was! LOL.

  14. Happy IWSG day, and thanks for co-hosting! :)
    I'm a speedy turtle, I guess. Does that make sense? Perserverance is certainly key, especially as a 'new' writer when I can sometimes feel down about the many, many years to come to improve my writing enough to get it out there in a way that will satisfy me! But turtling is the way. And afternoon naps. I tend to write most in the evening. So, an energetic night turtle. That's me. Thanks for the question. I didn't see it coming, but I like. :)

    1. Haha! I think you coined a new word and I love it: turtling!

  15. I'm pretty much a plodder too – although I have the odd burst of more concentrated activity.

    1. I'm hearing a lot of plodders say they have bursts sometimes--that's a bonus!

  16. You're much more disciplined than I am! It's so difficult to wake up anywhere close to that early unless I have jet lag or am on an inverted sleep cycle. Still, the early bird gets the worm. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. 5:00 is early--I wish I could sleep in, but my mind starts chattering and keeps me awake, so I may as well get up and be productive.

  17. "Every little step is still a step forward." I love this. It's an affirming statement and one I needed today. Thank you for that, and for co-hosting this month!

  18. I have bursts of high energy and then I plod. It's something I've finally accepted.
    And yes, every step forward counts!

    1. Haha, you're not the only one. I'm seeing this a lot.

  19. I've considered myself an early riser, but you've got me beat by 1 1/2 hours. Have great fun as you countdown the days, weeks, hours until you retire!

    Life is better when time is less encumbered by others' demands -

    1. Ah, I love that! "life is better when time is less encumbered by others' demands"

  20. Wow, Gwen! I admire anyone who can work and write. I couldn't pull that off when I was working, although I was constantly writing for work-associated things. I am retired now, and I can finally write. This next year and a half will go by so fast, you can't imagine! Thanks for co-hosting.

    1. What is finally working for me is the routine. If I don't do it, I feel guilty ;)

  21. Definitely a working writer, no doubts there. I admire your dedication to your writing.

  22. Getting up early to write has never worked for me . . .though I do write first thing when I wake when allowed to wake naturally. I'm more the give up sleep by going to bed late sort of writer, I guess. @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. Who knows, I might switch to night writing when I retire. Then I won't have a 7:00 day job to influence me ;)

  23. I also have a day job (corporate writing) to support my work as well. I'm always defensive when identifying as a writer. You put it into perspective. Great post. Thank you for co-hosting, and happy IWSG day!

    1. I don't generally bring up my writing life to people unless it comes up naturally. There always seems to be explanations involved.

  24. Every word is an accomplishment. I'm probably a turtle. Which animals can juggle? Because I tend to be involved in too many projects at once.
    I am excited for the Pass or Pages query contest at Operation Awesome with the YA category this week. Plus, I have half a dozen books to review this month. And WEP coming up! Busy month. I hope you've been staying healthy and thriving as best as you can this year.

    - J

    1. You're right, everything I write does feel like an accomplishment. And a lot of juggling involved too, but never enough time. I always have to prioritize. And sometimes throw caution to the winds and do what I want ;)

  25. Gwen, I like your comparison with the hare & the turtle, it's one which those of us who have to squeeze our writing in around days jobs will recognise. I must admit that I'm probably more like the hare as I don't have a regular daily writing slot, but when I get one, I race away. Thanks so much for co-hosting :)

  26. Fellow plodder here. The turtle did beat that arrogant rabbit. Cheers to turtles.

  27. I guess I'm a plodder too, because, especially lately, writing has taken a back seat. But, I'm hoping to have a new novel out before Christmas, fingers crossed! Thanks for cohosting this month!

    1. A new novel by Christmas is quite the accomplishment. Go you!

  28. Naps are always good! I'm more the Road Runner with Wile E Coyote days thrown in ;-)

    Ronel visiting on IWSG day Revamp Your Backlist

    1. My day job could be the foundation for the Road Runner and Wile E. Coyote. LOL.

  29. Plodding is good, and naps are always essential! Especially if you start your day at 5 a.m.

    When you retire you will have time—but you’ll have to figure out how to structure it so that you really do sit down and write. I struggle with that “I can do it later” thing all the time.

    1. I've heard this advice before and I've definitely taken it to heart! Thanks Rebecca!

  30. It sounds to me as if you have it all under control. I need to make time to exercise!

    1. I could use more exercise, but a half hour is about all I can manage with my schedule. Better than nothing though.

  31. Hi Gwen! Thank you for co-hosting this month. Wow, you are a busy bee. Retirement will be awesome!!

    I think I'm a fan of the "one step at a time" kind of theory. Usually. Now, I feel incredibly overwhelmed on my path to self-publication, so I feel like I need to keep track of one hundred things at once (not an exaggeration) and often don't know where to begin and if it will ever end. Next year, life will slow down. The writing life anyway. Have a great weekend!

    1. Accumulatively it all seems overwhelming. I find breaking things down into smaller parts is less stressful. Sometimes I don't take my own advice ;)

  32. I'm in favour of naps between bursts of words. One word after another is my motto... that's how I get there. But I like self-imposed deadlines, too.

    Hope you've enjoyed co-hosting as much as I have!

    1. I'm terrible at sticking to self-imposed deadlines. I don't set them unless I can see the finish line. LOL.

  33. I am a turtle for sure! I wish I was able to get up early to write...or even stay up late! I'm a mid-day person. =\ Thanks for co-hosting!

  34. I love the intro! "Hello my name is Gwen and I'm a writer!" I remember when I posted about that, same words. It was invigorating. What a busy day, Gwen. Put a countdown clock in your sidebar--1.5 years!

    1. Maybe in about six months I'll put a countdown meter in my sidebar. That's a great idea!

  35. In life, and in writing, I tend to be all or nothing at any given time. So I may be a plodder for a few days then be on a sudden writing spurt for a day or several.

    1. Spurts are good. Switching it up is a good thing!

  36. Plodder is there perfect word! I am such a plodder with my writing! And I worked in IT for a children's clothing company for many years, and when they would call me on a weekend for some "emergency" I would think, "We sell 5-dollar tee shirts, what can possibly be an emergency?!"

    And I'm all about napping on the weekends. I'm pro-nap. I vote for naps!

  37. I'm the turtle. I used to write in the mornings but since Covid happened, morning is the only time I can move out to get some fresh air. So the writing has shifted to late evenings with the day saved for my freelancing job.
    Wish you good luck with your writing. Thank you for co hosting.

    1. Turtles unite! LOL. But it doesn't matter whether it's morning or night. We can get er done.

  38. Hi, Gwen! Definitely Team Turtle over here. With chronic pain, it pays to take breaks AND naps, but I still manage to work at a decent pace, I think. Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG! :)

    1. Nothing wrong with turtling! We get there in the end ;)

  39. I think it's a bit harder to write when we're still working. But we all have to use our time the best we can. Retirement sounds fun!

  40. It’s so hard to write when you have another full time job. But where there’s a will there’s a way.

  41. Thanks for co-hosting this month! I'm a turtle writer myself. I'm currently working from home, with the kids doing virtual learning. And the other day was the first time I've written so much in a long while. But it was mostly research and organizing my notes for NaNoWriMo on Evernote. But like you said the turtle did beat the hare, so although my writing is slow going, it's still going.
