
Wednesday, December 2, 2020

IWSG: Writing Encroachment and Staycation

It is the last post of the year for the Insecure Writers Support Group
If you'd like to join, or find out more about this group, GO HERE

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting this monthly event. The awesome co-hosts for this posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Sylvia Ney, Liesbet @ Roaming About Cathrina Constantine, and Natalie Aguirre!

This month's optional question: Are there months or times of the year that you are more productive with your writing than other months, and why?

Winter is best for me. I work in swimming pool construction so summer is our busiest season. Long work hours makes writing tough. But I've carved out the hours between 6:00 - 7:00, before I start the day job, to write. 
But there is encroachment going on!  *sigh*

On the weekends, I write from wake-up until 11:00 or 12:00--after that, it's nap time!

Also, I'm worthless at night. I wish I could sit down and crank the words out, but at the end of the day my creativity and ability to think straight have both flown straight out the window. 


I just had a 3-week staycation in San Diego because I am a diehard social distancer. We've got the beaches and mountains--went to both. Watched hang gliders and surfers, searched the tidepools at low tide, found some cool shells, anemones and sand crabs. Picnicked in the mountains. Ate strawberry-rhubarb pie. Drank some wine and Irish Coffees. There are worse places I guess!

Did some writing, too, and got to add words to my word-count widgets up there in the sidebar--I love to see the colored bars move up! I'm a simple gal, LOL. 

Stay Safe Everyone!

What are your best months and times?

Care to share any secrets for getting 
more words on the page? 

Anyone else doing staycations and 
what did you do to make it fun?


  1. Strawberry-rhubarb pie sounds Heavenly. We actually took a weekend and stayed at the beach. Boy, did I need that.

    1. So glad you got to do a beach stay. We all need that getaway right now! Anywhere with water is my go-to, it's so soothing.

  2. I can see why summer is too busy to write with your job. I'm hoping to write more this winter too now that I don't have yard work. I think the secret to getting work done when you're really busy is to snatch small periods of time when you can write 500-1000 words or revise something. Eventually the word count adds up.

    1. I let the yard go. LOL. Yeah, small chunks are better than nothing. Thanks, Natalie!

  3. I am drooling at the mention of strawberry-rhubarb pie. Gwen, for many of us winter months are very productive for writing. Looks like we get the time and the muse is generous during the colder months :)

    1. Heh, we have the town of Julian not too far from here, and they are famous for their pies. So yummy! I agree about winter writing, my muse (and I) are so happy then.

  4. Your 3-week staycation sounds lovely. Beaches and mountains. That's the best of both worlds!

    1. Yes, I love the mountains and beaches both equally!

  5. Glad you got out both directions and enjoyed. I'm taking almost two weeks off at Christmas and staying home. (To play with my new toys, of course!) Merry Christmas.

    1. Two weeks at Christmas sounds lovely! Happy Christmas, Alex!

  6. Getting outside, walking and hiking as much a possible saved my sanity this year. Glad you were able to enjoy beaches and mountains.

  7. It's evenings for me. I'm glad you enjoyed San Diego. That's where I'm from, and I miss it often - the weather anyway. I hope you are able to enjoy the holidays, and some writing time. Merry Christmas!

    1. I'm from San Diego too. Sometimes I forget all the things we have to do here. Merry Christmas!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. What a great staycation! My daughter and son-in-law are in San Diego, and it is a beautiful place to visit. I love cool/cold weather, so wouldn't want to relocate there. And as much as my daughter loves the coast, she always wants to come home in the winter time, to see the holly berry tree and hopefully, some snow.

    1. I love nothing better than a good storm, with some rain and snow. So yeah, I do get tired of all the "perfect" weather here. LOL.

  10. I am a morning writer and absolutely toast at night. Glad you had a wonderful stay-cation!

  11. I have always been a morning writer—until the last year or two. I think the night-owl tendencies of my family are starting to have an effect on me!

    1. When I finally get to retire, I think I might become a night owl. But right now I start work at 7:00 a.m., technically. Though I often get texts and phone calls at 6:00 ;)
