
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

#IWSG No #Audiobooks Here, But One Day...


Hello! It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. We "meet" on the first Wednesday of every month to support and encourage each other and to touch base on what everyone has going on. If you'd like to join, GO HERE

Thanks to our host, Alex Cavanaugh for hosting every month, and to this month's co-hosting volunteers: Joylene Nowell Butler, Jemima Pett, Patricia Josephine, Louise - Fundy Blue, and Kim Lajevardi!

This month's optional question is: Have any of your books been made into audio books? If so, what is the main challenge in producing an audiobook?

I'd love to have my books on audio one day, but keeping up with this fast-paced industry is leaving me in the dust. Retirement is looming at the end of the tunnel (April 29th!) and I have a lot going on to prepare for it, including a temporary move. But once I'm settled into my "forever" home I will have a very busy "retirement" catching up on writing and publishing. 

Also, our ninja captain Alex Cavanaugh, is going to be a guest on my blog next Wednesday April 13th to talk about his new release. Please come back next week to find out why he switched to a new main character. 

Have you published an audiobook?
Do you recommend it?
Got any advice?
Biggest challenges? 
Best place to start? 


  1. Oooh, retirement! You're just starting a new career, trust me!
    Good luck with both temporary and permanent moves.

    1. Thanks, Jemima. I think my retirement is really going to be my second career. Lol.

  2. Less than a month! So exciting. You can definitely look into audio books after that.

  3. Retirement? Sounds exciting! You'll have all the time in the world to catch up with writing and a million other writing-related activities. Good luck with the move.

    1. I sure will have a busy retirement! Thank, Michelle :)

  4. How awesome you're retiring this month and moving at some point into a new home. And it's great you'll have more time to write.

    1. Yes, I'm really happy about retiring. I'll feel better next month when all this work is done!

  5. Retirement? Congratulations! I've still got 22 years, 7 months and 14 days. Not that I'm counting...

  6. Looking forward to it!
    That's cool you are just weeks away from freedom.

  7. OOOH! Congrats on your upcoming retirement!

  8. Hi Gwen, congratulations on your upcoming retirement. Hope your temporary move goes smoothly.

    1. Thanks, Rachna. Moving is so stressful, and trying to downsize is a lot of work. It's amazing the things you hang on to.

  9. Congrats on the retirement, woohoo!!

  10. Congratulations on your upcoming retirement, Gwen! It is a wonderful phase of life. May yours be rich and rewarding. Good luck with the tying up of loose ends and the move.

    1. Yes, I'm looking forward to the next leg of the journey!

  11. Congrats on the retirement! I'm with you...publishing feels too fast for my slow-paced brain.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth--I'm going to take the time to learn about "modern" publishing and see what I come up with. LOL.

  12. Congrats on your retirement! I so look forward to that day, though it keeps seeming farther and farther down the road. Hope all goes well with the move!
