
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

IWSG: My Favorite World

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day! If you'd like to join, GO HERE. 

The awesome co-hosts for the July 6 posting of the IWSG are J Lenni Dorner, Janet Alcorn, PJ Colando, Jenni Enzor, and Diane Burton! Also, many thanks to our host, Alex Cavanaugh.  

The optional question for July 6: If you could live in any book world, which one would you choose?

This is an easy one for me--Harry Potter World!

The Harry Potter World is complete escapism for me. Sure, they have their warring with the dark lord, but it comes with options on how to fight him. It's good vs evil and there's some pretty clear lines--unlike the muggle world (real world). Everyone can fight against evil and it's pretty empowering. Even us non-magical folks can live vicariously through the witches and wizards of Harry Potter's world. 

Had this world been around when I was a kid, I would have had everything involving Harry Potter--a cloak, a time turner, a wand--wait, I do have a wand...even made it myself. Polished aspen. I'm still trying to figure out how to imbue it with magic though...if only I could contact Ollivander, the famous wand maker...or figure out how to get to Diagon Alley. 

This is how I'd spend my days. 

What book world would you live in 
given the chance? 
And what makes you want to live there? 


  1. For me, I would like to live in Mercy Thompson's world which is a modern Brothers Grim setting ... but only if I were my artful dodger character Victor Standish! :-)

    1. I’ve never heard of a modern brothers grim. I need to look that up. But if it includes your Victor Standish character, it must be good!

  2. I love Harry...but the thought of living in a world with Voldermort scares me! Happy to visit via reading any time, though!

    1. It would definitely be scary! Lol.

  3. You need to see it some day! Diagon Alley is amazing.

    1. I’ve been to Harry Potter world and I want to live there! Lol.

  4. Narnia for me, but visiting Universal in Florida and seeing both Harry Potter worlds was pretty amazing.

    1. I haven’t gotten into Narnia yet, but there’s still time!

  5. Harry Potter’s world is pretty cool (except that whole Voldemort thing), but I would probably opt for Narnia, or Tamora Pierce’s Tortall (or Emelan). Or maybe P.G. Woodhouse’s England, if I can hang out with Jeeves, not Bertie Wooster and the rest of the young idiots. —Rebecca Douglass (I can’t seem to log in at all).


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