
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

#IWSG How Are You (Book) Covered?


It's Insecure Writer's Support Group day! If you'd like to join, GO HERE

A million thanks to our host Alex Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts,  Jacqui Murray, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and me, Gwen Gardner!

This month's optional question is: If you are an indie author, do you make your own covers or purchase them? If you publish trad, how much input do you have about what goes on your cover? 

I'm primarily an indie author, and there is no way that I make my own covers. I have no talent in that direction. I have a long time relationship with my illustrator, Corona,  who has done all of my covers. She is extremely talented and open to my input. Plus she can make other marketing materials, such as post cards and bookmarks. She illustrated my blog and website headers as well. 

Do you make your own covers? 

Or have input on your traditionally published covers?


  1. I would love to have someone produce a cover for would be fun to see if they came close to what I see in my head. Alas, not there yet.

  2. I'm not talented enough to design covers either. Glad you found someone you like to design yours. Thanks for co-hosting this month.

  3. I'm with you. I let someone else do the covers. Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. I'd love to take a class to learn how to do graphics--maybe some day. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Talented and open to input is a rare combination :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day Strategies to Be a Successful Author

  5. I have no talent in that department either. I wish I did. Making covers must be fun. Thanks for co-hosting, Qwen.

    1. I wish there was a book on how to make covers. I found one, but I'm sure how detailed it is.

  6. I am a total control freak and self-pubbing is a dream come true for someone ADD/OCD! My virtual assistant does my covers using art I select to reflect the subject and content of the book. Laborious, yes, but worth it!!

    1. Hmm, a virtual assistant. That sounds interesting.

  7. Hello! Getting someone to help with the cover if you happen to be an indie author is a good idea. I think I'll do the same if I were to go that route. For now, I do my own little thing for my temporary cover. Thank you for co-hosting.

  8. Thanks for co-hosting today!
    I make my own covers using but they're only temporary covers. It's part of my writing process. To get more immersed in my WIP I create temporary covers for them. As well as music playlists and Pinterest boards.

    1. I really need to go play over at Canva for a while ;)

  9. Your relationship with your illustrator sounds rewarding and special. Nice she can branch out and design post cards and your Website.
    Thank you for co-hosting our 1 Feb IWSG blog hop!
    Lynn La Vita

  10. I had to click through to your designer. She has some darling drawings.

    1. Yes, she does a lot of educational illustrations as well as book covers, etc.

  11. I have no artistic talent either. Love your blog header. I clicked through to your designer, too.

    1. Forgot to add: thanks for cohosting this month.

    2. I adore my blog header. On my website there is a ghost floating across when you first open it.

  12. I so agree with you. There's nothing worse than a cover that's not done well. Thanks for co-hosting today!

    1. Yes, if the cover is bad, I figure the inside isn't much better. Thanks for stopping by, Lee.

  13. Your cover artist does a good job.
    Thanks for co-hosting today!

  14. That is so cool to have a long term relationship with a professional.

  15. Kudos for the covers, blog header and website that Corona creates. And, kudos to you for co-hosting today -

  16. I started out only hiring for my covers but then I started to learn how to use Gimp and and got some courses on design and cover design. I'll still hire out if I feel like I don't have the skills, but I do enjoy making book covers and I'm happy with the outcome for the ones I'm currently using for a couple of my books.

    1. Gimp, hmmm? I will check it out. Thanks, Patricia!

  17. Your cover artist is fab! I don't make my own covers either because I have no design skills at all!

  18. Your covers have been very consistent.

  19. Thanks for co-hosting today, Gwen. I'd hire someone to wok on any cover I needed to do. That's not where my talent lie. I hope you've been enjoying your day!

  20. The artwork is delightful! Thanks for co-hosting ;-)

  21. I'm like you in the lack of artistic talent. A couple of my daughters are very artistic. They must have gotten that from their mother.


  22. Same. If I was a graphic artist…then I'd be a graphic artist. I'm not though, so I'm happy that some of them will work for hire! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. I'd love to be a graphic artist on the side. In my spare time. If I had any.

  23. Corona has done an awesome job of your website and your covers.

  24. It's such a gift when a writer loves her cover designer's work.

  25. Oooh, illustrated covers! Those are so hard to do, and she did a brilliant job. Thanks for co-hosting this month! And happy IWSG day.

  26. You got lucky with your illustrator! I could never do my own book cover. I admire those who can. Happy IWSG Day, and thank you for co-hosting!

    1. I'm very envious of those who can do their own covers.

  27. I have always admired your header. I love that you have someone to work with regularly!

  28. Your website headers and covers are wonderful, it's great that you have such a positive relationship with someone you can work with a lot. Thank you for co-hosting this month!

  29. I can make my own covers but takes a lot work and research that I don't have time for now a days, so mostly I buy them now.

    1. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience as well as time.

  30. I think long-term partnerships are great, so well done with that. And thanks for co-hosting this month!

  31. Like you, Gwen, I wouldn’t have the confidence to design my own covers. I once made enquiries of a work colleague who is an illustrator and he warned me that his services were ‘very expensive’. However my novel is with a hybrid publisher and one of the services is cover design. I believe I will have some input and I have my ideas.

  32. She does amazing work. You should definitely keep her!

  33. Your website art is amazing, and so are your covers! It's great you found such a talented illustrator.

  34. Thanks for co-hosting this month. Glad you have good relationship with a great illustrator.

  35. Good for you, Gwen, to have such a wonderful cover designer who can incorporate your website and post cards, etc. And you're permitted to give input. Bravo! The artwork is beautiful. Thanks for co-hosting today!
