
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

IWSG: Happy 12th Anniversary


Happy 12th anniversary to the Insecure Writer's Support Group. In honor of the day, I posted my vintage badge. If you'd like to join us the first Wednesday of every month, GO HERE. 

Thanks to our host, Alex Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts:  Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James!

This month's optional question is The IWSG celebrates 12 years today! When did you discover the IWSG, how do you connect, and how has it helped you?

I had to look it up, but my first IWSG post was on February 2, 2012 from my Run Gwen, Run blog. That was my first blog where I stumbled across the writing community and I knew I'd hit pay dirt. I knew the Universe was looking out for me because I'd just started writing, and I really needed the connection. I still do! And through these writing blogs, I found my way to the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

While looking through my old blog I noticed all kinds of blog awards. Back in the day, bloggers handed them out all over the place. The Liebtster Award, the Versatile Blogger Award, Sunshine Blog, Kreativ Blogger, One Lovely Blog Award, The Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award, The Roaring Lion Blog Award. I was always so thrilled when I got one, that I started a tab just for my awards. It really showed how supportive the writing community was. 

Of course, it was a much larger community back then. I remember once that I had commented on Alex Cavanaugh's blog and accidentally subscribed to comments. OMG, I had hundreds of comments hitting my email account for days!

We also had tons of blogfests back in those days, and they were all so much fun. You'd meet lots of writers, and some who became real friends. It's how I found Angela Brown, my first critique partner (we still text and had Zoom meetings every month during Covid). 

I've met so many wonderful people through blogging and the Insecure Writer's Support Group!

What about you? 
How long have you been blogging? 
When did you join the IWSG?  


  1. Hi! Happy IWSG Anniversary. I joined the IWSG a year after I started blogging, in 2019. So, I'm relatively new to the group, but it's great. All that about the blogfests and awards sounds so exciting!

    1. I'd love to go back to those days. But I have to say that it took up a lot of time. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I don't remember exactly when I joined but it was before 2014. I agree that the group was much larger back then. I'm grateful for everyone who has continued to be a part of the IWSG and continued blogging at least once a month.

    1. I used to blog 3 days per week, and it's a lot of work. Now I only do the IWSG post once a month. I do what I can. Like you, I'm so grateful for everyone who stops by on this day.

  3. I remember all of those awards. It was fun to get them.

    1. It sure was fun. Hehe. I have three of the Versatile Blogger Awards.

  4. You gave me a good laugh this morning about the comments!
    I remember when you and Angela did your blog tour together and you guys sent me Hot Tamales. I really appreciated that.

    1. Haha, so glad I could make you laugh. I remember the Hot Tamales. My favorite!

  5. Thanks ! No awards, even for being far too scared to blog.! Had heard about IWSG - started to join, even wrote three posts, but didn't publish. until 2019. What took me so long, and why was i so scared ? . Anonymous Esther O'Neill, East of the Sun, way down the list. ,

    1. I'm so glad you joined! You're in good company :)

  6. Oh wow, I forgot about all of those old awards! I feel like blogging has changed so much since I first started, but the IWSG has been the one constant.

    1. You are exactly right. I stay with blogging because of the IWSG and the support.

  7. I remember when the group was larger also and all the awards and hops. Kind of miss the hops. I really learned from some of them but I don't have time for it anymore.

  8. Thanks for sharing your journey! I remember those awards, they were fun. Maybe we could start a few again?

  9. I remember those awards... and the blogfests too! Fun but really time-consuming.
    The IWSG has such a wonderful sense of community, which is hard to find in online groups. Being a part of the group has kept me moving forward (like a snail...) on this crazy writer journey.

  10. Those were the golden days, weren't they? I miss all the blogfest prompts we did, and like you, getting an award felt like something monumental. The mantra "you like me, you really like me" would always run through my head. I really needed that in the beginning and am so grateful we got to experience it.

  11. The golden age of blog hops. I miss them too. My writer besties were found through the IWSG as well. Melissa Maygrove, Carrie Butler, and I chat daily on all things books and life.

  12. It's crazy how much the internet community changes. I was looking back at one of the first virtual book fairs I did and in a panel of 10 writers and Youtubers only three of us were still somewhat active and two of us are very much "just for fun" and gave up on the building as profession side of it.

    Glad for those who are still in it, in whatever form or fashion.
