
Tuesday, January 2, 2024

IWSG: Do You BookBub?

Buh-Bye 2023! *waves vigorously*

Welcome 2024!

First, the Happiest of New Years to you all! 

Welcome Insecure Writer's Support Group members!
It's the first post of the year. If you'd like to join us on the first Wednesday of every month, GO HERE

Thank you to our host, Alex Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts: Joylene Nowell Butler, Olga Godim, Diedre Knight, and Natalie Aguirre for making this event happen. 

January 3 optional question: Do you follow back your readers on BookBub or do you only follow back other authors?

I didn't remember signing up at BookBub. Anyway, prompted by this month's question, I went to check it out. As it turns out, I have an account. So I updated my profile and books, etc. 

But really, I'm not familiar with it at all. So I'm extremely interested in what you all do about followers/following, and why.

Are you on BookBub? 

Do you follow back readers, or just authors? Why? 

Are there pros and cons?



  1. I get emails from BookBub with book offers. That's all I do on that site. I follow authors and read reviews on Goodreads.

    1. It sounds like you're signed up as a reader, rather than an author?

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't remember signing up, but when I hit the sign in button it said I had an account. I won't consider ads until I have more books out, though.

  3. Gwen, Happy New Year! I am on Bookbub, but I don't know if it helps to sell books. You can place ads on there too, but again, I haven't had much luck in that department either. Wishing You much success in 2024!

  4. Yes, but I haven't utilized it much yet. I don't follow everyone back, but I follow most back and I definitely follow more people than I have followers. Someday I may figure out how to use Bookbub better.

    1. I'm with you. I haven't used it yet, but I need to learn more about it.

  5. Happy 2024!
    I hadn't even heard of BookBub before the optional question. I do plan to check it out.

    1. I'd heard of it. Even signed up (without remembering LOL). But like you, I need to check it out further.

  6. LOL.. I'm right where you are. I have an account but I don't keep it. It's a good resource for people with a lot of reviews or a lot of money.

    1. When I heard how much ads are my jaw dropped LOL.

  7. I think that's the answer of the month...forgot about BookBub. I had the same thought. There's just so many platforms, so little time!
