
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

IWSG: Why Do You Blog?


It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! If you'd like to join us on the first Wednesday of every month, CLICK HERE to sign up. 

Many thanks to our founder and host, Alex Cavanaugh, and this month's co-hosts Janet Alcorn, T. Powell Coltrin, Natalie Aguirre, and  Pat Garcia! Please stop by and say hello!  

Please post what you'd like, or use this month's optional question: How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

I started blogging in 2009 after finding the writing community through my running blog. I'd just started writing so finding my tribe was so thrilling. Back then, I posted several times a week. Now, I only post once a month for the Insecure Writer's Support Group event. 

When I started blogging the writing community was much larger and held so many blog hops that I hardly had time for writing! It was a really fun time and I met a lot of people, some who became real life friends. I'm not sure what happened, or what prompted so many people to stop blogging. My best writing friend quit writing to focus on her career--partly because writing didn't pay-- so she quit blogging as well. 

I keep blogging once per month because I don't want to lose contact with my writing tribe. 😍

How long have you been blogging?

Why do you keep it up?

Why do you think so many have quit? 


  1. I began in 2005 and while it's changed a lot and lost some people, like you, I don't want to lose the connections.

    1. Exactly. And who knows, maybe people will get back to it.

  2. I began blogging in 2011. I agree that lots of writers have stopped blogging. But I really value the connections I've made with my blogger friends who continue to blog, even once a month. I know I'd lose the connections if I or they stop blogging. I wish more people would stick with it.

    1. I agree. But maybe our writing buds will find their way back.

  3. We've been blogging just as long.
    Is that why Angela gave up blogging? I miss her. Can't believe her daughter is in college now!

    1. Yes. I miss her too. But we've been texting and catching up. And I can't believe her daughter is in college now! Time flies.

  4. I have been blogging since 2010. But last year I took a long break as I just couldn't balance all my writing activities with life, so blogging took a back seat.

    1. I took a break a long time ago and got bumped. So I had to re-sign up for the IWSG. So now if I don't post, I post about not posting and turn off the comments so everyone knows I'm still involved. LOL.

  5. I blog once a month for the same reason as you do. I want to keep these writing friends forever.

    1. Yes, it's such a great community and so supportive. It would be a shame to let it go.

  6. I love my online blogging community. The friendships I've made keep me coming back, especially in the IWSG. I'm glad that you are still here, Gwen! Have a good one!

    1. And I'm glad that you're still here, Fundy Blue!

  7. I'm seeing a lot of our community backing off to just blog for the monthly IWSG post. That's enough to keep the connections with other writers, and maybe I'll end up there eventually, too. Blogging takes a lot of time, and I sometimes wonder if anyone's reading the stuff I labor over.

  8. I do blog, but it is inconsistent. Some months I do two or three, then others nothing. But it is a connection, that's for sure.
