
Friday, June 8, 2012

BuNoWriMo June 2012

I'm participating in BuNoWriMo (Burrow Novel Writing Month), a month-long writing marathon during the month of June.

Head to the Burrow! You can find us on Facebook under BuNoWriMo.

The task is to *gulp* write 50,000! That's 1666.66 words per day, IF you write every single day, including weekends.

I'm already crazy behind. After three chapters I didn't know where I was going so I had to stop and write an outline that took three days!!! But now it's plotted, complete with whodunnit and how and when. Needless to say, I am not a panster.

The best part about BuNoWriMo is that it forces me to get a start on my second book in the Indigo Eady Paranormal Mystery Series, A Guilty Ghost Surprised. When you consider the first novel is 68,000 words, that's a pretty good start.

Keep an eye on my badge in the sidebar because as my word count increases, more of the badge is revealed. How cool is that?!

What are you doing during the month of June? Writing? Editing? Are you making progress? Taking the summer off?


  1. I'm participating in BuNo as well. Wednesday's IWSG posting threw my count off a bit, but I'm not too far behind the target.

    1. Alex, if I even get half way through I'll be pleased. Good luck on CassaStorm!

  2. I've yet to participate in anything like this. The timing is always off for me. Usually I'm deep in edits with another project. And NaNoWriMo this year will be no different.

    Good luck with BuNoWriMo. :)

    1. Stina, I know what you mean. I'm luck this time, though, because my MS is out for critiquing.

  3. I think the word count for the outline should count. I a huge rule follower in life but not for these sorts of things. I signed up for NaNoWriMo summer camp - 50K for June and again for August. I never liked camp - too itchy. I've been writing by hand and have about half of a small journal filled with words.

    1. Tonja, I totally agree. I spent three days on it and it's for this particular project - I can't just throw away the 3669 words from the outline! They totally count:) Good luck on NaNoWriMo!

  4. i'm still deciding what to write for camp nano in august! must be prepared! 1700 words a day is daunting!

    1. Tara, it certainly is a daunting task. Outline first so you'll know where you're going!

  5. Taking a leap into trying to finish the first draft of NEVERLOVE by mid-June, starting revisions on MINGLED by mid-June and critting for a few other authors.

    A very busy June indeed.

    Good luck with BuNoWriMo!!

    1. Angela, you are such an inspiration with your goal-making. I'm seriously thinking about taking a leaf out of your book! Can't wait for Neverlove:)

  6. Thanks for the follow! I returned the favor. That June challenge sounds daunting. I'm working on my second book, but not getting nearly that amount of words per day. My goal right now if 4000 words a week. It's nice to meet you. :)

    1. I Michael, thanks for the follow. BuNoWriMo is quite the challenge and at this point I'm 2.75 days behind. I'm hoping to catch up over the next week, but we'll see. I'm also working on my second book and BuNoWriMo is helping me to dive in head first:)

  7. Blogger knocked me off your followers apparently. I showed them! I joined again. Alice says "Thank You" for liking her. She insisted I send you her very own YA fantasy, END OF DAYS. And when a ghoul, even a proper Victorian one, asks me to do something, I try to do it! Enjoy your Kindle Touch and END OF DAYS. :-) Roland

    1. Roland, Yay! You found me:) How can you not love Alice? She's my very favorite ghoul. But I agree, you don't want to make her mad. Thank you so much for End of Days.


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