
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lucky Me!

I know it seems like I'm napping,
but really, I'm working hard!
First, thank you for re-following me here at my new blog!

Second, I'm sorry I'm not visiting much this month because I am swamped doing BuNoWriMo (Burrow Novel Writing Month). The goal is 50,000 words for the month of June. I barely have time to write this post!

Third, I like to follow up with something positive after my Insecure Writer's Support Group whiny post.

The truth is, I've been very blessed. Some of it's luck and some is talent, but I wanted to share:

  • May 24 - Won an autographed copy of Wilde's Fire by Krystal Wade.
  • May 31 - Awarded the Napping Blogger Award from Tara Tyler.
  • May 31 - Won runner-up in the Wilde's Fire Query Contestwith this entry.
  • May 31 - Awarded the Versatile Blogger award from Tuere Morton.
  • June 6 -  Won the Cozy Mystery Blogfest with this entry and the new releases from Hart Johnson (Alyse Carlson) and Elizabeth Craig.
  • June 8 -  Awarded the 7X7 Award from C.M. Brown.
  • June 11 - Won a T-Shirt from the new Sketcher Girls Studios.
Not to mention the free downloads I'm getting from some of my favorite bloggers:

And June isn't even over yet!

I'm sorry if I missed anyone - if I have, please let me know and I'll give you a shout out. So busy this month with BuNoWriMo!

I'll be passing the blog awards along to other awesome bloggers next month, when I'm done with BuNoWriMo. I didn't want you to think I forgot!

THANK YOU EVERYONE! I am truly blessed.


  1. Congratulations! I'm trying to keep up with BuNo as well. Just a little behind.

    1. I'm behind, too, Alex. By about 2 days! Thanks for taking the time to come by:)

  2. it's always nice to count your blessings - i have a little notebook by my bed, and i try to jot down a few things i'm grateful for when i wake up. i used to do it once a day, but now it's more like once a week :)

    1. Gina, I don't jot down my blessings, but I do try to make a point of reminding myself of them every day. I tell myself every morning that it's going to be a great day, also. It helps:)

  3. Congrats! I hope the blessings continue to flow :) And good luck with BuNoWriMo!

    1. Meradeth, thank you. I hope blessings flow for you as well:)

  4. It's amazing how supportive this community is. Even if I'm never published it's good to know I've found life-long friends and chased my dreams :)

    1. J.A., I am so blessed I found all you supportive writers! We're all chasing dreams in one way or another. It's what makes life so exciting!

  5. Hey, that's my name! Haha ;-) It's great that you've been so blessed recently :) And all the best with BuNoWriMo!

    1. Rachel, yes it's your name:) Thanks for the free downloads!

  6. keep writing!!! so happy for all your wins!!!

    1. Tara, thank you for the Napping Blogger Award! I feel so special:)

  7. Wow! You are lucky to have won so much. Think good thoughts of me and maybe your some of your luck will rub off on me!! Hope you enjoy the free downloads! Roland

    1. Roland, you got it! Good vibes coming your way:) And THANK YOU!

  8. Glad you're getting some good luck! You deserve it.

    1. Thanks Sharon! I'm trying hard to keep the good luck vibe going:)

  9. Sounds like a great month indeed! I pray the blessings keep on coming:):)

    1. Thanks Jamie! All the support from awesome writers/bloggers like you helps enormously:)


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