
Monday, August 6, 2012

Concilium: Men, Men, Men, Men!

I'm so excited to host Michelle Pickett today on her blog tour for her debut and new release, Concilium! I'll bet you can't guess what's she'll be talking about today...okay, maybe the blog title gave it away. That's right, the MEN of Concilium. Put on your eye candy blinders and get ready for some heart fluttering.


Thank you, Gwen, for letting me hijack your blog today. I hope the topic will make it worthwhile. Of course, I'm going to shamelessly plug my newly released novel, Concilium. Here's the jacket blurb:

Leslee hit a strange animal with her car. Now she’s marked for death.

It was a simple car accident – the animal didn’t even die – but it drew the attention of the Cruor Imbibo. Driven by their insatiable need to feed, the secret society of Imbibo has devoured the dregs of civilization for centuries. Afraid Leslee will expose them, and put an end to their meal ticket, the Imbibo want her dead.

The Concilium is Leslee's only protection. Guardian of the ancient secret and the protector of humans, the Concilium fights to control the Imbibo and end their feeding frenzy. Miller works for the Concilium. Keeping Leslee alive is his next assignment.

Now Leslee is on the run, and the only thing between her flesh and the snapping jaws of the Imbibo is Miller. He and Leslee quickly form a bond, but will falling in love make Miller’s job more difficult? Because if he fails, Leslee will be next on the Imbibo menu.

The Cruor Imbibo are coming, and they're coming for Leslee.

I've had butterflies the size of Montana flying in my stomach since my book's release. Having my debut novel published has been something that is both exciting and scary all at once. Exciting because I've worked toward this for years and scary because my baby is out in the world for people to see—and judge.

Concilium is an Urban Fantasy with a big dose of romance and little touch of horror. But rather than telling a lot of details about the book, I'm going to give you a glimpse of some of my favorite parts. The Men!

There are six men that play an essential role in the book. They make up the team that protects Leslee from the clan of Imbibo that is hunting her. So to thank Gwen for allowing me to take over her blog today I'm going to share some major eye candy…

The first man is Quinn. Clocking in around fortyish, he's the oldest of the six. We don't get to know a lot about him. He's unhappy working for the Concilium and the type of life he's forced to live. He and Leslee don't hit it off right away, but he turns out to be a decent guy. You could almost say he sweeps her off her feet…literally.

Second is Chace. He's a southern boy—full of southern charm and a lazy drawl. He hates to cook and when it's his turn to cook for the team he loves to intentionally make slop for them to choke down in retaliation.

Flynt is the team's comic relief. He flies under the radar, doing his job quietly and effectively. He and Chace hula together—you have to read the book to know why.

At twenty, Alex is the youngest and newest member of the team. He's the closest to Leslee's age and she and Alex form a quick friendship. He often looks like he forgot to brush his hair and most of the time walks around in his own little world. It must be a happy place because Alex is always happy, a ball of energy.

Brooks is the first team member Leslee meets. She forms a tight friendship with him. We'll see more of their friendship in the sequel, but we get a good glimpse of it in Concilium. Brooks is caring and easy-going. Leslee thinks he'd be voted most lovable if they were all in high-school together.

That brings me to the last of the sixth. The best. Or the worst, depending on your perspective. Miller. Tall, lean, muscular with jet black hair and emerald eyes. He's every woman's idea of tall, dark, and handsome. But as gorgeous as he is, and he is all that and a bag of chips, he has an attitude to match. But somehow Leslee sees past the cool, indifferent exterior to the man beneath, and she falls hard. Of course, it didn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes…

So there you have it, the men of Concilium, at least how they look in my head. When you read the book you may see different faces. That's what makes reading so much fun. We can make the characters fit our dream guy, or girl.

Thank you, Gwen, for letting me share my vision of the men of Concilium. I hope everyone enjoyed a little piece of eye candy.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway below for a free copy of Concilium and a $10 gift certificate to Amazon for, what else, books!

Michelle's Bio:

Michelle has been an avid reader since a young child. She began writing for personal enjoyment in college, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a degree in accounting. Deciding sitting in a cubical all day was her form of cruel and unusual punishment, she decided to do what she really wanted to—share her passion for reading and writing with others.

She wrote her debut novel Concilium in 2010. The sequel, Concilium: The Departure soon followed. Both will be published by Muse It Up Publishing with scheduled released dates of July 27th and November 2012 respectively. Her Debut young adult novel, PODs, will be published by Spencer Hill Press and is scheduled for release in paperback June 4th, 2013.

Michelle was born and raised in Michigan. She now resides in a small community outside Houston, Texas with her husband, four children, a 125-pound lap dog, a very grumpy cockatiel and a cat that thinks she's queen.

Michelle writes adult and young adult Sci/Fi and urban fantasy romance.

I LOVE to hear from readers and other authors!

Here's how to find me:








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And Finally, the giveaway!

Blog Tour Give away: 1) Concilium E-Book 2) $10 Amazon Gift Card Rafflecopter Giveaway Code: a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you so much for having me and my six guys on your blog, Gwen! I'm so excited to be here!

    Michelle :)

    1. You're welcome, Michelle, it's my pleasure. Concilium sounds really good and it's at the top of my TBR list. It should be a fun day:)

  2. No need to worry, Michelle. Your book will rock because you have an Alex!

    1. LOL! Of course it will! And like the ninja, my Alex is one cool dude. :)

  3. It's a great idea to have a wide cast of characters. I'm sure everyone will have their favourites!

    1. Yes, and, of course, they aren't ALL men. :)

  4. So there's five guys looking out for one women? These Imbibo are either plentiful or tough (dare I hope they're both?)

  5. How wonderful to have so many great men in one book! How tempting. Best of luck with all your books.

  6. Striking cover. And look at all those guys!

  7. Many congrats! I do love a good book with a plethora of men. :)

  8. The book sounds great! And just look at all that eye candy! Nice to meet you Michelle, congratulations and enjoy your blog tour! (:

  9. WOW, Michelle! I am impressed with your cover. It looks absolutely intriguing.

  10. I found it impossible enough to find celebrity/actor look-alikes for just TWO guy characters. Well done for finding SIX!

  11. Aldrea, five guys (looking as they do) looking out for one woman? Leslee is one lucky woman:)

    Claire, there has got to be tons of testosterone going around in Concilium!

    Theresa, yes the cover is very intriguing!

    Alleged, a plethora of men! *snort*

    Elise, I have to find out where Michelle got all those photos!

    Marisa, awesome cover, huh?!

    Rachel, I must find out where Michelle got her photos!


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