
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Winners! And Secret Paranormal Happenings.....

The Buccaneer Blogfest is over - EXCEPT for the announcement of the rafflecopter winners!

Lots and lots of excitement going on - be sure to read until the end, so, you know, *whispers* I can tell you a secret.

But first things first......

First, my BuccFest giveaway was a $10 Amazon gift card. It was a two-way tie so I am happy to announce Sharon Bayliss and Claire Hennessy as the winners of a $10 Amazon Gift Card each!

Second, the Curiosity Quills sponsored giveaway had tons of winners, and guess who won twice? Someone we all know and love; that's right, it's me! I won a copy of One Ghost Per Serving by Nina Post and my choice of a whole list of things from free books, a 10-page critique, query critique or an interview on Sharon Bayliss' or Courtney Young's blog. I haven't decided what to pick yet!

I am so lucky. I'm always winning awesome swag from my writer pals. You guys are the best!

And now...


This is a secret, so come close so I can whisper in your ear. No one knows this yet *glances around covertly* but I wanted you to be the first...I just have to leak a little bit of the secret.....keep your eye out for Partners in Paranorm YA, a new team of experts in all things paranormal. They'll be wandering the streets of Blogtown over the next couple of months. Got questions about ghosts? Or maybe dark angels, lost souls or god forbid *crosses self*, the master of hell? From light paranormal to the darkside and everything in between, these gals got you covered.

And didn't hear this from me.


  1. Congratulations! And I'll be watching...

    1. Alex, thanks - You are one of the few people who know "the secret."

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Aldrea, I just love the writing blogoverse cos they always share the bookish love:)

  3. Not once but twice?! Awesome, congrats. (:

    I tagged you with some blog love on Monday. You may not have time to play but I did want to give you a shout.

    1. Elise, thank you! I love blog awards - I have a whole page dedicated to them, lol!

  4. What secrets? I swear, I didn't hear anything from you. I swear it. lol

  5. I absolutely love this lol!! And three cheers to the winners :-)

    1. Angela, yep - I know I already told you about my "prizes." And the secret, well.....

  6. COngrats on double win and I'll keep my eye out:-) My good eye!

    1. Jamie, thank you. The secret will be released soon ;)


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