
Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Funnies: Fantasies and D'oh Moments!

Thank you Debbie Ohi!

If you've written a fantasy, raise your hand! LOL!

Seriously, though. I never in my wildest dreams thought
I'd written the perfect novel. I'm way too realistic for that.

I have had plenty of "d'oh!" moments.
Like naming one of my characters something
 that would have been offensive in another country.

How about you? Any d'oh moments you want to share?

Have a safe and fun weekend everyone!


  1. The first draft is always my d'oh moment!

  2. I don't think I've written the perfect anything - even after it's published I can find changes I'd make, although sometimes it's just a semi-colon in slightly the wrong place. Probably no one would even notice the changes I'd make!

    1. Annalisa, I'm with you. I've been through my MS so many times and I'm still finding things to fix!

  3. Like Alex my first drafts are well, kind of okay, something only I can figure out.

    1. Rachna, my first drafts are definitely a "D'oh!" - what was I thinking? But yeah, something we all have to figure out on our own.

  4. My ms is so far from its first draft, it's hardly recognizable. And every time I read through it again after a critique or an edit, I STILL find silly little mistakes. Really? There's STILL a typo after 93,604 edits? GAH!

    1. Laura, LOL! I want to know how there can be that many mistakes after so many edits?! Sheesh! If I go to print and find a typo, I'm just going to scream, lol!

  5. I spent most of my time going through something a CP sent back to me going D'oh through most of it. I mean, stuff like completely missing a set of words that could make a sentence mean what I MEANT it to mean lol! You know, things that make you shake your head and wonder where it was at when you were writing lol!!

    1. Angela, sometimes your brain goes faster than your fingers can type, lol!

  6. Technically speaking, isn't EVERY work of fiction fantasy? In the other sense of the word, that is.

    1. Joshua, yes it is! That's why we read - and write - fiction:)

  7. I actually thought my first book was perfect. Can you believe that? Insanity! Now, I'm glad it's locked away where no one will see it. The real d'oh moment was that I let anyone look at it without revising at all. Yeesh.

  8. I've got a d'oh moment for ya... typing wooden steak instead of wooden stake. The worst of it, my editor caught it. What can I say, I was hungry when I wrote that segment...*facepalm*

    1. Elise, D'oh! Yeah, I've found myself doing stuff like that - brake instead of break - but I really do know the difference:)

  9. those are great!
    plenty of dohs!
    but i try to forget them so i cant tell you =)

  10. I think my biggest d'oh! is that the timeline from my first book and the sequel to that didn't match up at one point. It was awful. I was almost in tears when I realized that one...

    1. Kendra, awwww. I was lucky, my lack of timeline was pointed out to me:)

  11. Well, no "do'h" moments with my fantasy so far; but with the women's fiction I had my teenagers popping a CD in the car stereo in 1976. Also had her dialing 911 and hanging up in the same year. "duh".


    1. Donna, LOL! Should have been an eight-track, huh? And "0" for the operator. How funny.

  12. Okay, now I want to know what name would have been offensive in another country! (And Elise Fallson's comment made me smile ;-) Wooden steak, hehe!)

    1. Rachel, you must have missed that post. Apparently "Fanny" is an extremely rude word in Great Britain. I asked Claire Hennessey for confirmation, lol!

    2. Rachel, I came back to say that "Fanny" is a reference to vagina in the U.K. Here is the U.S. it just means rear-end.

  13. Hahaha. I hope my character names aren't offensive in other countries! How'd you find that one out?

    1. Jamie, I was researching British slang that teenagers might use on one of those "Ask" sites. The general concensus was that "Fanny" is extremely rude - another word for vagina.

  14. Not writer related, but I had to draw a woman in a kimono once. Turned out that they way she wore her kimono was all wrong, I'd drawn it right over left. Which meant she was dead..instead of left over right.

    Easy way to solve it: Flipping/mirroring the illustration!

    1. Corona, that is hilarious! I think that Asian countries are especially different from the western world. Did you know that leaving chopsticks sticking out of the rice is bad luck? And the number four in Japanese is the same word for death? That's why they never do anything in fours. Three or five plates at the table - not four!

    2. Leaving chopstick in the rice is bad luck?

      Oh dear, that explains a lot, haha! XD


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