
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Honoring Indie Authors

It can sometimes be tough figuring out what to post about. I know, I know, I call myself a writer!

Mostly, I post about what I'm working on. And since I'm working on self-publishing, I'd like to honor the Indie authors out there with a warm, fuzzy, shout-out.

Going back over the books I read last month, they were all by Indie authors!
And so here they are, in no particular order:

 Urchin King

For fourteen years, street-urchin Paul's miserable existence has kept him safe from an ancient law that sentences all second-born twins to death.... He knows if he is discovered, he will be executed like all second-born twins.

On A Hot August Afternoon

Stacey is an artist with a rock star husband, Pete, whom she loves with all of her heart...she is blindsided when she goes to her mailbox and discovers an envelope of photographs, explicit photographs of her husband and another woman...As this tangled web unweaves, both sides of the family get involved, revealing a history of ups and downs.

End of Days

St. Marrok's. The Most eerie High school in which you will ever die. Its curriculum?

The End of Days.

By Roland Yeomans

Available at Amazon.


I do so enjoy Indie authors. Thanks for the hours of entertainment!



  1. Replies
    1. Alex, I read it after Roland kindly gifted it to me. I do adore Alice Wentworth:)

  2. Replies
    1. Shelly, thank you so much! Indie's need that kind of help:)

  3. Gwen: Alice actually blushed ... which seeing as how she is a pale ghoul is saying something. Thank you for me and on the behalf of the other Indie Authors you spotlighted! :-)

  4. That's really nice of you to highlight other authors on your blog. I'm glad you enjoyed their books and wish you luck on the final edit of your WIP. I'm on mine, too, and just hit 63k of 80k. The end is in sight! :-)

    1. Lexa, thanks. I do love hosting other authors. We're all on the same journey. I may be hosting you soon, huh?

  5. indie publishing is a tough endeavor! yay for you strong willed authors!

  6. This is a great idea. All three books sound pretty great, so I'll definitely keep them in mind for when I want to get something to read, maybe this weekend.

    Anyway, just stopped by to say thanks for the follow!

    1. Misha, thanks for stopping by and following. I love Indie authors, they are some awesome people.

  7. Thanks for supporting Indie Authors, Gwen! Glad you're moving forward - and will soon join the ranks! :}

    @ Roland - That Alice is a real 'piece-of-work' Lol. Love her and her 'captain'.

    1. Nadja, you're welcome. I'd love to host you on your Indie tour, just drop me a line. Love your cover and title:)

  8. Indie to Indie...thanks and you're welcome :)

  9. I know I have End of Days. Now I need to make sure I have the other two highlighted here today. Thanks for the recommendations, Gwen :-)

    1. Angela, you are going to love Alice in End of Days!

  10. I have Roland's book on my Kindle . . . am hoping to read it during some downtime this weekend while we're at the Star Wars Celebration:-)

    1. Jamie, downtime at a Star Wars Celebration?! Hmmm, maybe next weekend!

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