
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday Funnies: All's Fair in NaNoWriMo

Thank you Debbie Ohi

I've never done NaNoWriMo, but I did BuNoWriMo - 50K during the month of June. My carefully planned outline was too short and I was writing all kinds of crazy stuff to meet my word count. Seriously, I almost wrote a sex scene! Okay, not. But my character was sashaying quite a bit and people noticed!

I know that some of you just finished NaNo.

How crazy did you get?


Part II of Today's Blog Post

Just some reminders, so if you're tired of hearing it, just skip this part and go directly to the comment blocks below.

If you're looking for things to do in Blogtown, here are some shameless plugs unbiased lovely suggestions:

1.  You can still sign up to host our Partners in ParanormYA blog tour (Oct 8 - 31) below on the comment linky:


2.  You can grab our tour badge and put it in your sidebar with this link

3. You can - only if you want to, mind - visit GoodReads and put Givin' Up The Ghost on your TBR list HERE, or Neverlove HERE.

4. I am still posting, or rather started posting again, over at Run Gwen, Run! as a health and inspiration blog every Friday.

5.  If you haven't visited our new blog (a combined effort between Angela Brown and I), Partners in ParanormYA, you can check it out and follow HERE.

6. And you can visit and re-follow our blogging buddy, Millie Holmes,

over at her new digs HERE and find out about the changes she's making to get ready for publishing.


  1. I didn't quite hit 50,000 for BuNo, but my main goal was just to prod myself into writing my third book. It worked, so I'm happy!

    1. Alex, that is exactly what these writing marathons do for us! I have a first draft of my second book, so I'm happy, too:)

  2. I haven't participated in a NaNo before, and I won't again this year. The timing never works for me. I'm usually busy with edits and don't want to stop for the month.

    1. Stina, the timing has always been off for me as well, on nano, but I managed to do buno in June. It's a lot of work, but you basically have the first draft of a novel when you're done, so it's totally worth it.

  3. I did Camp NaNo Wri Mo. I got to 40,617 words. I was battling a migraine the last week. Most of it is a summary writing and lots of dialogue.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, migraines are nasty. But 40+K is still awesome. And yeah, it's not my best writing, but that's what editing is for:)

  4. I have never participated in NaNo. This year too I am sure I won't be able to join.

    Loved the Friday Funnies :)

    1. Rachna, I loved doing BuNo, but it is very time consuming because you're writing 7 days a week for the whole month. And, like the funny says, you're grasping for stuff to write, lol!

  5. That first image, hysterical. But I'll never admit to recording and transcribing other people's conversations.

  6. You are so good at this. I'm feeling like the lame duck lol!

    I did NaNo last year. I was a bit of a fail when it came to the numbers but I loved the story that came out of it.

    1. Angela, I was lucky enough to have 24/7 to do BuNo last June. Otherwise, I don't think I would have made it:)

  7. Cute cartoon. I haven't done a NaNo. I need a push to get on with my latest WIP though. Best on PIP. :D

    1. Mary, Nano or something like it is just what you need! Thanks for the best wishes:)

  8. I loved that cartoon. That is pretty close to what I ended up doing last year. :)

    1. Jeanne, that is so funny. Cos I really was writing all kinds of stuff that I don't care to share:)

  9. Drats, I tried to find a writing buddy but one that talks more than I do? Never thought of that. Hmm. My son {the writer} rarely talks, the other {the rpg player} talks too much. Now I see.

    Miigwetch! Thanks for posting about my writerly blog. I've been combing through some of the shorts I've written to post and will transfer the links to my articles. {ahh, deadlines}

    1. Millie, tough huh? That's too funny. But nobody said what you write in NaNoWriMo has to make sense:)

      And you're welcome!

  10. I've never done NaNoWriMo either. Don't know if I'm inclined to.

    1. Elizabeth, it is a ton of work, and definitely not your best work because of the rush. But for getting a jump start, it's not bad.

  11. That comic is sooo funny. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. Julie, yeah - I found it hilarious given that I was scrambling for word count during BuNoWriMo!


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