
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group: The "R" Word

Hello, my Insecure Writer's Support Group peeps! A month has passed already since our last meeting. Where did the time go?!

For those who are new here, the Insecure Writer's Support Group posts on the first Wednesday of every month. Our premise is self-explanatory, but if you'd like to learn more or sign up, go HERE.

Many thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for being our gracious host.

What am I feeling insecure about this month? You know, the same ol' writerly things. Is my writing good enough? Will people want to read what I write? Will they like it? Am I ready to self-publish?

Yeah. It's the self-publishing thing again. Or I should say, still. But I'm ready. I know I am. The awesomely talented Angela Brown and I are releasing our books and touring together under the Partners in ParanormYA banner. We're going over our manuscripts one last time. Our cover reveals began on Monday, September 3rd - 7th. We've had a great response from all our awesome, blogsome buddies around Blogtown and lots of support for our endeavor.

So what's making me nervous?

I have tons of work to do before my book release on October 8th. I'll be contacting our volunteers next week to firm up hosting dates. Then I have to start pre-writing posts for the tour. You know - try to write about 20 posts and be all creative at the same time. Keep up with my regular posting schedule. Learn how to format for Amazon and download my book. Try to line up ARC reviewers.

There. I just said the "R" word.

That. Is. So. Scary.

The scariest thing of all!

What are you feeling insecure about?


  1. Don't fear the R word! There will be good ones and bad ones. Learn from them and keep on writing.

    1. Alex, so I hear - that's why I'm scared! But seriously, I know there will be bad ones. *sigh*

  2. I fear the other R word.

    Just remember, reviewers are NOT your beta readers. I know a few self published authors who treat them as if they are. The authors edit their novels, give them new titles and covers, and publish them again. That's cheating!

    Good luck with everything!

  3. Reviews. They scare me too. But I think the best thing you can do is keep in mind you can't please everyone. Besides, you guys will do great, I know it! Can't wait for October!!

    1. Elise, thank you. There's an old song that goes, "you can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself." Remember it? Or am I aging myself?

  4. I am in the same stage of preparation as you and Angela and I am feeling the pressure too! Although, as I have been down this road before, I am not quite as petrified as you seem to be!

    Yes, reviews are a bit scary, but one must remember it takes all kinds of people to make up this jolly big world and not all of them like the same thing. You will both receive reviews from people who love your books and others who won't even respond, others will bag it and some of those will do so without even reading it!

    It is all part of the game! You have to be in it to win it!
    I am sure you will be fine Gwen!

    1. Carolyn, a lot of it is subjective. But who wouldn't love my characters, lol? But I'm moving forward and I'm going to keep moving forward, no matter what.

  5. My best to you both. I love the covers and I know the releases will be fabulous.

  6. You are both going to be awesome! I know it's scary, but it's fun too :) And the R word, wow, I'm still freaked by it, but it can also be really amazing when someone adores your book, as I'm sure everyone will!

    1. Meradeth, you're still freaked out by reviews? I guess it doesn't ever go away - it's a part of the job I'll have to get used to:)

  7. The R word is way too far in the distance for me. My heart just palpitated thinking about it. Out of mind. Out of mind. For now.

    1. Joshua, it's been out of mind for me for a long time - I can't ignore it any more, lol!

  8. That is a scary word. I can (R)elate. But you'll get through it and then the next time will only be half as scary, okay maybe 80% as scary :)

  9. There's a lot of work with self publishing. Wishing you lots of luck and success!

    (my first month of the IWSG)

    1. Rebecca, welcome to the IWSG! Thanks for the support:) I'll be by for a visit to your blog soon.

  10. Oh, I'm so excited for you. Keep the faith. Let me know if you need any help. :)

    1. Mina, if you're serious, I'll be contacting you soon:) Thanks you!

  11. Woo! ARCs are exciting. Congrats :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

    1. Allison, we are really close to ARC's. I'm thinking a week? Yeah, that's why the "R" is so scary:)

  12. Awesome that you are that far along.

    1. Tonja, it is awesome. And it's been a long time coming. Thanks for stopping by:)

  13. Hah! Reviews. I think of them ...not much. I will read a review {or not, or two} when deciding to purchase a book. The important part is your book will be out there.

    Only once, have I waited in line to buy a book on it's release date/time. Now, I will be "braving the crowds to wait in line once again."

    So reviews...the "r" word? Haahaaheeheehoho. Now who's insecure? I've been happily putting off the thought until I get to that bridge.

    1. Millie, you'll be thinking more about reviews in the near future, because I know you must be close to publishing. I think maybe I've just put the fear of "R" in you!

  14. the thing about reviews, many are based on personal preference. you need a lot to get a good picture & that means there will be some bad ones, dont sweat it. you know you've become a writer when you get your first bad review!

    1. Tara, yep - it's subjective. It's just a matter of time until I'm initited. *sigh*

  15. I'm not sure I'm feeling insecure about my book's release but I am feeling overwhelmed with all the duties that need to be done. I guess I should make a list. They help.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Shelly, I'm a lister. It does help, because like you said, there is a lot to be done. I'd be glad to help with your release/tour. Be sure to hit me up when it's time:)

  16. You go girls!!! Way to take control of the process. I'd love to offer my blog for the tour. I would love to see Indie and small pub give the Big 6 a run for their money. It's like the tale of the underdogs winning!!

    1. Elizabeth, thank you so much! We still have open spots on our tour, so I will be contacting you:) Publishing has changed so much and this is an exciting time to be in it. No more monopolies on who can be published and who can't! Nothing against the Big 6, cos' they do have some awesome books and authors, it's just hard to get through their doors.

  17. Hey, Partner. We're both a little shaky in the boots about these reviews, but as these comments and those at my blog have mentioned, they can be good, bad, learned from or just out in left field. In the end, when we put GUTG and NL out there, I think we'll both be proud of our novels, warts and all lol!! And then come the sequels WOOT!

    1. Angela, you are so right! I am proud of what I've done. I had a dream and I followed it. We're just joining the ranks of all the other authors. I'm thrilled about that!

  18. Reviews are a bit scary or can be, but it's good to remember that we write for those who get our book and love it. And even the bad reviews can shoo away those readers who wouldn't like our work anyway.

    1. Cherie, we do have a lot of people behind us. That helps:)

  19. Yes, reviews can be scary! But, both you and Angela can do this! We believe in you. :))) I've been following you on FB, but now I've found your blog. Yay!

    1. Candilynn, yay! You found your way here:) We have so many people that believe in us! That does help a lot.

  20. Reviews are scary, but honest reviews are helpful. So many authors go bananas over anything less than a 4 star review. But really, it's what the review says that's important. I have a 2-star review on Goodreads that is actually very complimentary. It says great things about my book. I also have some 4 star reviews that are lackluster and wouldn't encourage anybody to buy the book. I've come to realize that it's all a little random. The best you can hope for is lots of people buying your book and talking about it -- no matter what they say.

    1. Dianne, I know I shouldn't care about the number of stars. And I love that last sentence: "The best you can hope for is lots of people buying your book and talking about it -- no matter what they say." Yeah, if people are talking about it, that's a good thing!

  21. I'll be doing all those scary things too, although at least I'll have some help from my publisher. Good luck . . . can't wait to read your guest posts and how cool is it to release with your friend?!

    1. Jamie, publisher or not, reviews are scary. I know you'll do well and I wish you all the luck in the world. And yeah, there is something special about touring and releasing books with a friend:)

  22. I'm a fellow IWSG member. I'm excited for you. That has got to be crazy to release a book. Good luck! Nice to meet you, Gwen.


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