
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Not-Thought-Out Adventure + Other Stuff

Lovely banner by Tara Tyler!

Happy Wednesday to my PIP Peeps! And a lovely hump day it is.

The lovely JC Martin is interviewing both me and Angela Brown today. It would be so lovely if you stopped by.


We are also at Maria Zannini's blog talking about how to disperse with certain creepy creatures.


If you've been following our blog opera over at Partners in ParanormYA, those crazy teens of ours are on yet another not-thought-out adventure.

Have you ever been on a not-thought-out adventure?


  1. The last "not-thought-out" adventure I was on was a 10 hour road trip to Florida. Who knew the Sunshine State could rain nonstop for two days?

    We turned around and came home. I haven't returned to Florida since. LOL.

    1. Maria, Who knew it was going to rain like that? I've been for a weekend in the sun to the Colorado River and it rained, too! Plus, the cabin had cock roaches *shivers*

  2. Wow, Maria. Doesn't bode well for the Sunshine State to rain so much lol!

    Hey Gwen, those teens of ours have that act first then "think fully through it" thing going on lol!!


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