
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cookin' Up Crazy

Banner by Tara Tyler!

Happy Tuesday!

We have winners from Week 2 Giveaway!

JC Martin - $10 Amazon gift card

Martha Campos-Arana – Neverlove ebook

Carolyn Brown – GUTG ebook

Angela Orlowski-Peart – 10 page critique

JC Martin – 50 page critique

Angela Orlowski-Peart – Personalized bookmark

Fiery Na – Personalized bookmark

Dee Dee Brinkman-Griffin – Personalized bookmark

Nick Wolford – Personalized bookmark

JC Martin – Personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners and Thank You So Much for participating! You will be contacted soon about receiving your prizes:)


Today, Angela Brown and I are over at Nadja Notariani's for a bit of excerpting - I think.

But if not, our teen delinquents from Neverlove and Givin' Up The Ghost are cooking up a crazy plan over at Partners in ParanormYA while they blogsit for us.

~Thank you so much to yesterday's hosts~

Cherie Reich


EJ Wesley

We appreciate your hospitality so much!

And there are still two giveaways!

Visit Partners in ParanormYA for the Big Swag Giveaway and for Week Three Giveaway.


  1. Wow, that is a lot of giveaways.

    1. Tonja, yep! Gotta show our appreciation in different ways:)

  2. Replies
    1. Alex, thanks. We weren't quite sure if Nadja would be able to post today.

  3. look at all those winners! you guys are working so hard! hope you take a celebratory break after this!

  4. Thanks so much Gwen, I have just downloaded my copy! I still cannot believe my name came out twice!

    1. Carolyn, you're welcome. Angela and I are so happy you won twice!


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