
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Devil at the Door

Thanks for the banner, Tara Tyler!

Happy Tuesday of PIP Blog Tour Week 2!

Thanks for hosting us yesterday, Angie Sandro!
 And Shelly Arkon do not despair about the mix-up. Sir Poops and Hair Ball did just fine. You gals rock!

And, we have winners from Week 1 Rafflecopter, chosen randomly by

Carolyn B. - $15 Amazon Card

Elizabeth H. – Neverlove ebook

Tara T. – Givin’ Up The Ghost ebook

Crystal Y. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Shallee McArthur – personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you so much for participating and supporting Angela and me. I'll be contacting you through email to see how you'd like to receive yours prize, i.e., email addresses and in the case of bookmarks, I'll need your physical address.

Thanks again!

There's a lot going on today. For one thing, someone needs
to lecture our girls over at Partners in ParanormYA Headquarters
about not opening the door to the freaking devil!

So, um, maybe you can do it?

*shakes head*

Those girls just don't listen to me or Angela.
They think they can handle anything.

In the meantime, Angela and I are being interviewed at

and Indigo and Abby should be over at

preparing to protest over a subject near
and dear to our self-publishing hearts.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Alex. It was so much fun to give away the prizes!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Miranda! Tara Tyler made 5 for us and I'm having so much fun using a different one every day:)

  3. i'm so glad i won! and that you like the banners =)
    yay for your tour!
