
Monday, October 15, 2012

Love Bites and Phantasmic Fashionistas

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Whew! Last week was a whirlwind of touring,
talking, and delinquent teen characters.

The tour is progressing nicely, though, and I'd like to thank you all again
for the awesome support you've shown. The writing community rocks!

And a big thank you to last Friday's host, Ciara Knight.


Where are we today?

The girls, Indigo and Abby, are still blogsitting at PIP Headquarters.

Angela Brown and I will be at Angie Sandro's blog with a Phantasmic Fashionista fashion show. The paranormal kind that you won't want to miss!

We will also be at Shelly Arkon's place where she's interviewing our young cast members about luurve...


And of course, we have another giveaway for Week 2!

And the Big Swag Giveaway is still going on!


  1. It was a pleasure to have both of you! BTW - the Giveaways are showing error messages on your post today.

    1. I noticed the error too. But it looks like things are back to normal :-)

      Thank you, again, for having Gwen and I at your place. It was wonderful :-)

  2. So much awesomeness to check out, I may very well explode! Off to check out these links. :)

  3. I'm glad this tour is going so well for you both :-)

    1. Thanks Annalisa. We are at so many places, and having such a blast:)

  4. Gwen, another wonderful day on the tour hon :-)

  5. Here from Shelly's blog. Good luck with the tour!

    1. Desert, thanks for stopping by! We appreciate the support:)

  6. Replies
    1. Scarlett and James, thank you so much for stopping by to support us - we really appreciate it:)

  7. I looked at the tour page. What a great lineup. It'll be fun hosting your Friday.


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