
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It Was The Best of Times and Winners

"It was the best of times, it was the worst  best of times..."

Okay, I took liberties with Charles Dickens' quote from A Tale of Two Cities. I had to, because the Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour was absolutely, positively...

 "the best of times"!

Today marks the end of our tour! It's kind of sad - but not. Because it's not really the end, but the beginning. The beginning of our careers as writers and authors. More books are planned. Another PIP book tour is in the future. But that's only part of it. There's a world full of possibilities, full of branches and paths that lead to more interests and opportunities. Angela and I will have more adventures together, but not all of them. I wish all the best for Angela, and I know she wishes the same for me.

Thank you, Angela Brown, for the best of times! It's been such a fun and exciting adventure through self-publishing with you.

Thank you to Tara Tyler for hosting us yesterday and for creating and donating all our awesome banners and badge!

And to all our hosts and followers, your support and kind words have meant the world to us. The blogging community rocks. Thank you all so much!


And so where are we on our last day?

We are being interviewed by Natalie Aguirre over at Literary Rambles .

With our paranormal angle and all, it's really kind of fitting that our last day of the tour is on Halloween.

And by the last day, I mean not really today, but Friday. Because we sort of added another stop onto the end of the tour, because on Friday, we'll be over at Angela Orlowski-Peart's blog talking about paranormal abilities and realms.


Week 3 Winners are announced!

Shannen Aleene Romein - $10 Amazon gift card, Givin’ Up The Ghost ebook and 2 Personalized bookmarks

JC Martin – Neverlove ebook and Personalized bookmark

Jennie Bennett – 10 page critique and 50 page critique

Mary Preston – Personalized bookmark

Stephen Tremp – Personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners! You will be contacted soon :-)

The Big Swag Giveaway is still going on, too!


  1. Must have been a busy month! Congrats on the tour!

    1. S.P., it was an extremely busy month, with 2 stops nearly every day. But so much fun.

  2. Congrats on a successful tour and much more success for the future of your books. :)

    1. Linda, thanks, and many many thanks for hosting us and reviewing our books! Your support means a lot of us.

  3. Congratulations on the BEST of times!!!

    1. Tyrean, thanks! It was absolutely, positively the BEST of times. Thanks for hosting and following our tour. Your support is so much appreciated!

  4. You and Angela must be exhausted. That was a tour extraordinaire :D

    Tale of Two Cities remains one of my all-time favorite reads.

    1. Mary, I'll admit to being pretty tired :-]

      A Tale of Two Cities is one of my Charles Dickens' all time favorites, as well as the Pickwick Papers and of course, A Christmas Carol.

  5. Congratulations to the winners and to you ladies for a successful tour!

    1. Thanks Alex. You were/are one of our biggest supporters and we appreciate you SO MUCH!!!

  6. Gwen, you are the jewel that really made this tour such a crowning accomplishment. Thanks so much for a marvelous experience and I look forward to more.

    1. Awww, thank you, Angela. But I wasn't the only jewel in the crown. We both made that crown sparkle. It really was the best of times and I look forward to more as well.

  7. Congrats to all the winners! You and Angela had a great tour :)

    1. It was a great run, Carol. And now it's back to work time:)

  8. Congrats to the winners!

    This tour was awesome and I loved how every day of it was different. It was great fun.


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