
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Talking With...Tara, Bears and Wolves

Today the Partners in ParanormYA are over at Tara Tyler Talks for a very different sort of interview. Do you like bears? How about wolves? And dogs? Yeah, it's different like that.

And speaking of Partners in ParanormYA, our teens, Abby (Neverlove) and Indigo (Givin' Up The Ghost), are getting ready for Halloween tomorrow - but they may need help finding the decorations.


Many thanks to Dianne Salerni for hosting me and Angela yesterday. We hope you enjoyed our real life case files!

Are you excited about Halloween? Doing anything special?


  1. Read the interview at Tara's - very funny!

  2. I love the interview at Tara's. So much fun :-)

    As for Halloween, just hope to have a good time taking my Chipmunk trick-or-treating.

    1. Angela, I wish we had trick or treaters. I'm very generous with them. Alas, nary a one comes to our door. (OMG, who the heck am I channeling?)

  3. Headed over to Tara's next.

    As for Halloween, I'm just handing out candy to the trick or treaters. Unless I decide to turn off all the lights and just keep it all for myself.

    1. M.J., LOL! We don't get trick or treaters where we live now, but in the past I always had to buy extra candy because everybody in the house would sneak around and eat it up before Halloween!

  4. Replies
    1. There isn't a whole lot of trick or treating where I live, so we dress up and go bowling with the kids instead. It's a lot of fun!

    2. There is zero trick or treating where we live, and I do so love seeing the little ones all dressed up! Bowling would be fun, though, and more family time.

  5. Loved your interview at Tara's! And not many plans other than eating myself sick tomorrow... if the candy even makes it to tomorrow, lol.

    1. Thanks Cassie. Tara is so much fun. I didn't buy any candy because we don't get trick or treaters. But I checked the cupboard and I'm pretty sure I have the ingredients for a pumpkin carrot cake. Gotta have my sweet to eat while I watch The Nightmare Before Christmas on Halloween!


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