Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ready for a Journey? Christine's Odyssey

J.L. Campbell is sharing the book love by giving away special Two-Pack YA novels to celebrate her new YA release, Christine's Odyssey.
Of course, The Partners in ParanormYA are so happy to be participating in the celebration--
both Givin' Up The Ghost and Neverlove (The ParanormYA Pack) are among the prizes! But it's winner's choice - pick any pack you want!
But first, a few words from Christine, the cutie with the starring role in Christine's Odyssey!

Howdy. I’m glad you’ve stopped in. My name is Christine and although I’m only eleven, I’m what some adults might call precocious. A lot has happened in my life, some of it bad, but like my dad used to say, good things can result from the bad stuff that happens to us.
To help me celebrate overcoming my challenges, a great gang of authors have teamed up and will be giving away copies of their books. Sweet, yes?

For a chance to win a pair of the books listed, you can do anything included on the Rafflecopter below or on Facebook. However, for those who’d like to win a $10.00 Amazon Gift Voucher, hop on over to the Jamaican Kid Lit Blog to enter for that.

Anyway, I tend to talk a lot, so before I get carried away, here’s my story:

Raised in a hotbed of arguments and fights, eleven-year-old Christine Simms is the victim of her mother's cruelty. A domestic dispute ends in tragedy, sending the family into a tailspin.

A shocking discovery sends Christine on a quest to find the stranger who left her behind in Jamaica. Determined to unravel the mystery of her birth, Christine uses every tool at her disposal and treads with courage where no child should.

Thanks so much for dropping in! I hope you win the novels of your choice. I should tell you that you get to choose books based on how the Rafflecopter does the drawing of the winners. So, if your name comes up first, you get to say which pack you want.

Available in ebook format at  Amazon US
About the Author:

J.L. Campbell is a proud Jamaican, who is always on the hunt for story-making material.

She writes romantic suspense, women's fiction and young adult novels. She is the also the author of Contraband, Dissolution, Distraction, Don't Get Mad...Get Even, Giving up the Dream, Retribution and Hardware (written under the pen name Jayda McTyson).

Visit her on the web at

Enter to Win!

 Rafflecopter for the $10 Gift Card is below:

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Show Some Book Love to Frailties of the Bond

I am so happy to help Angela Brown announce the release of her new novella, Frailties of the Bond! I've read it of course, and it is absolutely one of my favorites.
I'm sure you'll love it, too, so I'm thrilled to show some book love by giving away an e-book of Frailties of the Bond to a commenter. Yep, just leave any comment to enter and I'll pick the lucky winner randomly!
About Frailties of the Bond:
NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherworldlies:
Those who answer the call from NEO play their part in maintaining balance in our ever-changing times. With power-hungry malcontents, jealous gods, and even those with misguided good intentions, the fate of our world has oft been held in the hands of unsung heroes such as those that are members of NEO.
But before NEO, these heroes and heroines had lives, loves, issues and interests that didn’t involve saving mankind.
In Frailties of the Bond, it only takes one bite to change a life
After a hiking trip gone wrong, sixteen-year-old Luca should have been dead. Since then, he’s drifted from one school day to the next, annoyed by the looks of suspicion. When a vampire attack claimed his mother and forced his first shift into animal form, Luca set out for Texas, vengeance bound, only to discover so much more when Aimee crossed his path.
Flesh-born of vampire parents sixteen years ago, Aimee shouldn’t exist. Magic, though, made dreams come true for an undead couple desperate for a child all their own. But this magic came with a price, a cost Aimee discovered after one forbidden bite.
An Excerpt:

The pulse of the bass line traveled across the field and rattled the body of Mouse’s Challenger, the rave at full swing. Glow sticks waved in the air to the fast-paced rhythm of synthesizers high on musical ecstasy. The bouncer tore our tickets, spouted his “don’t cause a riot” act then gave us a head nod, universal for “get the hell in already”.

Shelley drifted into bloodlust, fangs extended, eyes glossed over with a dull yellow sheen. By party’s end, they would be a blazing gold after she got her fill. She peeled from us and disappeared from sight.

Mouse stayed with me just long enough for a Thor look-alike to ask her to dance. She chucked me the peace sign and left.

There I stood. All alone. By the bar.

Three feet away, a vampire fed on a girl. Out in the open! It was a spectacle I hadn’t seen before. Her blood ran like red tendrils pooling onto her cleavage. Sloppy eater.

“Care for a Bloody Joey?” the bartender asked, pulling me out of the moment, and probably saving me from the embarrassment of gawking like the newbie I was.

“A bloody who-what?”

“Bloody Joey. Mary’s supply always depletes five minutes after the party starts. We still have Joey, Alexander and Alice. I’d recommend Joey. His blood has a smooth texture.”

I was stuck, too ashamed to ask if he would put the blood in a cup or pass the person over the bar.

About the Author:

Before we move on to the bio, let's share some random things about Angela that we don't know:

Five Things You May or May not Know About me

1.      I stole a box of Chiclets gum when I was five. Guilt tore me apart. I haven’t had the stomach for stealing anything since.

2.       My then fiancé couldn’t attend my senior prom due to distance, so I had his name drawn on my left ring fingernail in white to match my all white dress.

3.       I’m addicted to chocolate and Wild Cherry Pepsi (lol!! Most of you probably already know that.)

4.       I’m a middle child (who may or may not suffer from that silly middle kid syndrome lol!!)

5.       I’m an Aquarius J

Did someone happen to check my horoscope today? If it’s bad news, I’d rather remain blissfully ignorant lol!

Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home.

Reading and writing have been lifelong passions. It was around the time she gave birth to her forever-love, nicknamed Chipmunk, that she really took writing seriously. After all, how could she teach her child to follow her dreams if she hadn't tried herself?

As a YA fantasy/sci-fi reader and author, she favors the magical, mysterious, the darker side of life...even harbors a secret fright for things that go bump in the night.

NEVERLOVE is a special project spawned from a blog-challenge-turned-blog-opera, 
the Abby and Basil affair. It is the first in the Shadow Jumpers series.
FRAILTIES OF THE BOND is the first in a series of novellas and short stories introducing heroes and heroines of the secret organization, NEO – Network of Extraordinaires and Otherwordlies.

Buy Links:

Amazon US .  Kobo .  B&N
Connect with Angela:

Angela Brown in the Pursuit of Publishness blog:

Monday, March 18, 2013

Writers 4 Writers and Blog Blitz!!!

W4WS: Today Writers 4 Writers is highlighting two awesome authors, Kyra Lennon and Angela Brown. Both ladies have awesome books we can help them promote! So please stop by their websites to pick up some tweets and get ready to share the love!
I was highlighted last month, along with Melissa Bradley. The response and amount of tweets flying around was awesome. Thanks so much to everyone who participated!
Do you want to be highlighted? You can sign up HERE.
Blog Blitz runs along the same lines as Writers 4 Writers. The difference is that your blog will be highlighted. This is hosted by DL Hammons. Just sign up on the linky HERE, making sure to record your email address, and you’ll instantly become a member of the Blog Blitz Team.  Then from time to time, DL will select a deserving blog (that must be part of the Blitz Team) and a specific date.  He will then email the team members that information and on that date we all will go out of our way to visit that blog and leave an encouraging comment on their most recent post.  We're talking about hopefully a 100+ comments appearing out of the blue in one day! And hopefully some new followers, too!

Friday, March 15, 2013

A-Z, Review Giveaway and Other Stuff

Hey, how are you all doing on preparations for the A-Z Challenge? I was starting to get worried that I wouldn't finish the pre-writing and then I'd be stressed out trying to write them on a daily basis--or more likely, I might have had to drop out.

Well, now I only have about 5 posts to go so I'm feeling a lot better. I think I have F, J, K, Q and Z left to write. I'm thinking Z is going to be the problem! Anyway, feeling less stressed and sooo excited to do my first A-Z! I'm even a minion :-]

How about you? Are you participating? Pre-writing? Minioning? 

So here's a pretty cool deal. Angela Brown is doing a $25 - $50 Amazon card giveaway! Check it out...

Readers and reviewers are the lifeblood of any author, no matter what path taken to publish their work. Whether the author Tweets dozens of times a day or barely has a presence on Facebook, no readers spreading the word about their work boils down to no one buying or reading an author's book.

Readers and reviewers, YOU ARE THE BEST!! To show my appreciation, I'd like to offer a chance for one of you that read and reviewed Neverlove to win a $25 Amazon e-gift card. The giveaway is a month long, so that means if you have Neverlove in your pretty little hands and you'd like to enter, you've got plenty of time to do so.

For those yet to purchase Neverlove, it is $0.99 at, Amazon and Kobo. Grab your copy and make sure to put your review at all these places (along with Goodreads which is a great site where other readers are interested in your thoughts about books).

Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter below. Of course, because this is a Reviewer giveaway, please bear in mind the mandatory option for this giveaway is that you share the link of one of your reviews so you can enter to win.Those who've already reviewed are ahead of the game. Go and grab your permalink so you can enter to win.

*****To make this even more enjoyable, let's add a challenge. If the number of reviews at Amazon reaches 35 before the end of the giveaway, I'll add $15 to the gift card. If it reaches 50 reviews, I'll make the gift card $50. You read that right. If we reach 50 reviews for Neverlove, the $25 gift card will double to $50.*******

You can enter the rafflecopter HERE.  

And you can still win an autographed paperback of Givin' Up The Ghost on Facebook HERE  or on GoodReads HERE.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The New Frontier

Yay! Mary Pax is here today with a guest post. You may not believe this, but I just started getting into science fiction. In particular, I found a Firefly marathon the other day and totally got hooked. So it's pretty cool that Mary's Backworlds series was inspired by Firefly. Okay, I'll stop babbling now.

Here's Mary!


The New Frontier

Maybe because I grew up in the space age – astronauts, Tang, Lost in Space, and Star Trek – I held a lifelong fascination with space and what’s out there. What is out there?

I spend my summers at an observatory showing off the sky through telescopes and hanging out with aerospace engineers, physicists, and scientists, and I have no real idea. I know it’s fantastic and wonderful, though.

I think what most of my favorite science fiction shows and books have in common is a combination of living primitively and the ability to travel in space. That juxtaposition fascinates me. I love exploring alien worlds and seeing what might be possible.

I’d say Firefly had the biggest influence when I created the Backworlds. I missed it so much [and still do] that I felt the need to recreate some of the elements. I loved the grit of it. I loved the imperfect characters who teetered on being redeemable. The combo of the wild west with exploration is one the original Star Trek also had. So I figured I couldn’t go wrong using those elements in my universe.

In my view of humanity’s future, we must leave Earth and colonize other planets to survive. Instead of terraforming planets, I genetically manipulated humans to be able to survive on imperfect worlds.

Does it make them less human? Humans made for Earth-like planets [The Foreworlds] think so. The Backworlders do not. And if they can survive in more environments than we can, then I believe they’re more fit to be our future and carve out the new frontier.


You can try the first in the series, The Backworlds, for free. It’s available for all ereaders. LINKS. It’s also available in paperback for not free from Amazon.

Boomtown Craze is the latest release and the 3rd book in the series.

In the far future, humanity settles the stars, bioengineering its descendents to survive in a harsh universe.

To secure his future, Craze must propel his world into a more prosperous era. Only days away from the grand opening of his new and improved tavern, he is confronted by a loony Backworlder intent on mucking up his plans. Gaunt and trembling, she claims her spaceship is possessed. She also has a connection to the underworld that shakes loose the dark past of one of Craze’s closest friends. It all threatens to end Craze’s prosperity before it begins.

Meanwhile off world, Captain Talos works desperately to outwit the mercenary Jixes and lure them away from his and Craze’s budding prospects. The mind-control weapon Talos uses against them is wearing thin, and his next move may be his last.

Will Craze and Talos’s efforts bring about a grand new age of boom or damn them to forever struggle in the dust?

Available in ebook at:


M. Pax is a Browncoat and SG fan, she’s also slightly obsessed with Jane Austen. In the summers she docents as a star guide at Pine Mountain Observatory where the other astronomers now believe she has the most extensive collection of moon photos in existence. No fear, there will be more next summer. She lives in stunning Central Oregon with the Husband Unit and two lovely, spoiled cats.
Website / Blog ~ Twitter ~ FB ~ Goodreads

You can also find M. Pax on LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Wattpad

Monday, March 11, 2013

Passing Time

Does it seem like people are cranking the books out these days? I'm so proud of my fellow indies, just taking the publishing world by storm

So today we have another cover reveal - I find it extremely evocative and I am just shivering!

Passing Time: Nine Short Tales of the Strange and Macabre

Book Blurb

Nine dark fiction stories that may just give you nightmares.

A man lives to regret Passing Time. A father will do anything to save his son in Expiration Date. An author finds out her worst nightmare is back in The Devil’s Song. A woman gets more than the claim fee when she takes out vampire insurance in Luna Black.

In Dining in Hell, the Death Valley Diner becomes the wrong place to stop.

A serial killer wants to add another file to his collection in The Vegas Screamer. In Eating Mr. Bone, an undertaker could meet an unfortunate end. A con man meets his first ghost in Land of the Free. And will truth finally be set free in The Letter?

Excerpt from Land of the Free

It is hard for me to put into words the sound of the voice that interrupted us – a toneless voice, which escalated and vibrated as it sang each word of the last verse of The Star-Spangled Banner, ending in a crescendo that sent the hairs on my body erect.

I turned to Mr. McManus, who was smiling. “It’s never sung before,” he whispered. He appeared to gain some perverse pleasure from the voice, though I could not fathom why.

“Is someone else here, Mr. McManus?” I asked.

“Well, yes. That’s why I asked you here, isn’t it?”

Let me say at this point I’ve been doing exorcisms, psychic readings, and other associated paranormal activities for over twenty years now and never seen or heard anything suggesting the existence of this other spirit world. It was a load of hoopla as far I was concerned, hoopla that paid my bills and allowed me to save tens of thousands of dollars toward the condo on Malibu Beach. Getting into that development was expensive.

“So only you, me and the entity are in the house? Your family?”

Mr. McManus raised his eyebrows. “Yes. You told me to send them away for the night. Remember?”

“Of course.”

I was troubled, and, though I don’t like to admit it now, scared. There were only two answers to this scenario, and I liked neither of them–Mr. McManus was a plant sent to trap me into admitting I was a con artist by a previous client–or there really was an entity haunting this Georgian house.


Book Links:


About The Author

A life-long addiction to reading science fiction and horror, meant writing was the logical outlet for Ellie Garratt’s passions. She is a reader, writer, blogger, Trekkie, and would happily die to be an extra in The Walking Dead. Her short stories have been published in anthologies and online. Passing Time is her first eBook collection and contains nine previously published stories. Her science fiction collection Taking Time will be published later in the year.

Author Links

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Charge: Character Interview With Lena

It's awesome to have Lena Lowell here, today, one of the three main characters in The Charge. The Charge is Sharon Bayliss' alternative history debut novel which I had the pleasure of reading the ARC. Since I'm drawn to strong female leads, I was dying to interview Lena. So--here we go!


Lena, you were so young when the bombing of Texas took the lives of your parents. You were raised in foster care. How did you become a spokesperson and activist for the Texas Freedom Campaign at only eighteen years old? Did they approach you? Do you feel you were exploited, used as a face in the campaign because your parents were killed in the bombing?

Lena:  I have wanted to do something to help the people of Texas for as long as I can remember. I survived when so many others died. God must have spared me for a reason. I feel like I have to do something important with my life, or I'm just wasting that gift. I might as well have died too.

In high school, me and some of my foster siblings volunteered at the TFC after school. It was mostly answering emails and preparing mass mailings. Then at the end of my senior year, they asked me join the spokesperson program. They were looking for young people like me who wanted to tell their story. I don't feel like I am being exploited. I want to help in any way I can. This is my choice.

Gwen:  Very admirable, Lena.

What is the goal of the Texas Freedom Campaign and how does the royal Wilde family fit into the plan? Would the Wilde’s have a governing role or would they be just a figurehead?

Lena: TheTexas Freedom Campaign is a group of Texans now living in the U.S. who advocate for the U.S. government to assist the survivors still living in the Texas territory in building a democratic government. Just like everyone else, we thought all the Wildes were dead until recently. Honestly, I think it threw us all for a loop. When the Wildes resurfaced a lot of the funders backed out. They didn't mind helping rebuild a war torn nation, but they didn't have the guts to take down the royalty.

 Since I thought the Wildes were dead, I never really thought about if they should have any role in the new government. I suppose if they were figureheads like the British royalty that wouldn't be too bad, but I don't know if they really deserve that special treatment. But on the other hand, they have been a big part of Texas culture for a long time, and a lot of Texans are still loyal to them. And to be fair, not all the Wildes are bad.

Gwen: Especially not Warren, huh? *winks* Okay, moving on.

You were labeled a terrorist. What exactly did you do, or what did the U.S. government accuse you of?

Lena:  To be clear, I am not a terrorist. And at least in the beginning no sane people really thought that. But it sells more tabloids if the President's son is dating a terrorist. Way more interesting than dating an unpaid intern from a controversial political group. The U.S. government did have me on some kind of "watch" list, which basically meant they spied on me. But Will told me they would probably do that to anyone he dated.

 Of course, after they found out I knew Warren King, things got a lot more serious.

Gwen: Yeah, I can imagine. The U.S. Government on one side, royalty on the other - and the little rebel girl right smack dab in the middle. Yes, it did get rather...interesting, at that point.

The United States and Texas are mortal enemies. I mean, the President’s husband (and Will Cole’s father) was responsible for the terrible bomb that devastated Texas and killed so many people, including your parents. How in the world did you meet Will Cole and why did you agree to go out with him?  Was it a case of, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer?

Lena:  I didn't agree to go out with him, at least not at first. One of the things I like about him is that he cares about politics too, even though he's young, and I heard he was sympathetic to the plight of TFC. Perhaps, he wants to do something to make up for what his father did, or maybe he just knows we're in the right.

 Anyway, I went to him to ask him to help us get support for a TFC sponsored bill. He was happy to talk to some people about it. A little while after we met, he asked me out. I said no, but it wasn't because I hold his father's actions against him. I don't believe that people are bad just because they're related to people who are.

 I said no because I want to be taken seriously. I don't want people to think I'm trying to advance my own political career by sleeping with him. But later he asked me out again and I said yes. Screw what people think.


Gwen: Amen, sister. Amen.
Girl, you sure know how to complicate your love life with romantic ties to both opposing factions of the TFC. But Warren King sure is a sweetie. Do you think he’s mature or wise enough to run a country? Would you give up the Texas Freedom Campaign and the fight for a democratic government to support Warren?

Lena:  Uh no...Warren is not mature or wise enough to run a country...I mean, I don't know. I think some of it is an act. Well, not the immature thing, but he tries to downplay his own intelligence. But I do think he's a good man, and that's a hell of a lot better than most of the other Kings of Texas. In any case, that's what wrong with a monarchy.

Gwen:  And as we spoke in private, we'll skip the last part of that question. Maybe a bit premature to ask about you and Warren anyway...
We haven’t talked about that “charge” thing yet. The charge, an electrical type energy possessed by all the Wilde’s, plays havoc quite a bit, not only with the Wilde’s but those around them. It’s often painful and debilitating. How were you able to maintain your equilibrium?  

Lena:  It's not easy. I mean, I thought the whole charge thing was a myth until I actually felt it coming off Warren. He says my energy is compatible with his energy, and he feels better when we're close. When I say it out loud, it sounds like a lame pick up line, but I know it's true. But when his energy is agitated, and I am touching him, I can feel it too. The charge usually feels like intense anxiety. You're just scared out of your mind for no real reason. But the energy is weird, it can change based on how he's feeling. Sometimes, it can feel...well, nevermind. *blushes*

Gwen:  Hmmm, maybe certain parts of that energy thing make the Wilde men rather in demand...
Last question. Quick, without thinking: Will or Warren?

Lena:  Nice Try.
Gwen:  Dang it!
Praise for The Charge, by Sharon Bayliss:

"A solid cast of well-developed characters, including a "super-tall" royal Texan family, stars in this thrill ride of a novel teetering between sci-fi adventure and alternate historical epic." ~Publishers Weekly Review (won in the 2012 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Competition)

About The Charge:

When King of the Texas Empire kidnaps Warren's brother, Warren embarks into a still Wild West to save him. On his journey, he makes a discovery that changes his life forever--he and his brother are long-lost members of the Texas royal family and the King wants them both dead.

He gets help from an activist Texan named Lena, who's itching to take on the King and happens to be a beautiful firecracker Warren can't stay away from. Convincing her he's not one of the bad guys becomes harder when a mysterious energy stirs in his body, turning his brain into a hive of emotions and memories--not all his own.

A legacy of violence is not all he inherited from the brutal Kings of Texas. The myth that the royal family possesses supernatural powers may not be myth at all.

Gone are the days when choosing a major was a big deal. Now Warren must save his brother and choose whether or not to be King, follow a King, or die before he can retire his fake ID.
Buy The Charge on Amazon.
About the Author:
As a child, Sharon enjoyed playing in mud, collecting frogs, and was so certain that there was a ghost in her closet that her mother admits that she half-expected to really find one there. She began writing her first novel at the age of fifteen (handwritten in a spiral marked ‘private’).

A proud Austinite, Sharon never saw much sense in moving anywhere else and got her degree in social work from the University of Texas at Austin. As an author and social worker, she has devoted her life to making the lives of real people better and the lives of fictional people much, much worse. In addition to her official credentials, she is also an expert in fictional Texas history and make-believe neuroscience.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys living in her “happily-ever-after” with her husband and two young sons. She can be found eating Tex-Mex on patios, wearing flip-flops, and still playing in the mud (which she now calls gardening).

Find Sharon here: 


Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Chemistry of Fate

Yet another lovely cover reveal!

THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE is the companion novel to COLORS LIKE MEMORIES and is set before the latter takes place.

Check out the upcoming novel by Meradeth Houston!


“They are everywhere, can be anyone, and are always the last person you’d expect.” When Tom stumbles across his grandfather’s journal, he’s convinced the old man was crazier than he thought. The book contains references to beings called the Sary, immortals who are assigned to save humans on the verge of suicide. They certainly aren’t allowed to fall in love with mortals. Which the journal claims Tom’s grandfather did, resulting in his expulsion from the Sary. As strange as the journal seems, Tom can’t get the stories out of his head; especially when he finds the photo of his grandfather’s wings.

Tom’s only distraction is Ari, the girl he studies with for their chemistry class.

Ari has one goal when she arrives in town: see how much Tom knows about the Sary and neutralize the situation. This isn’t a normal job, but protecting the secrecy of the Sary is vital. If Tom is a threat to exposing the Sary to the public, fate has a way of taking care of the situation, usually ending with the mortal’s death. While Ari spends time with Tom, he becomes more than just an assignment, but how far can a relationship go when she can’t tell him who she really is? When she finds out just how much Tom actually knows about the Sary, Ari is forced to choose between her wings, and her heart.

About the Author:

Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:
  • She’s a Northern California girl, but now lives and teaches anthropology in Montana.
  • When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
  • She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It's her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
  • If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.
Find Meradeth here:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

IWSG: Overcoming Adversity

Hosted by Alex J. Cavanaugh

What do I have to be insecure about? Comparatively speaking--nothing. Not compared to some others whose needs are so much greater than mine. That's why I'm dedicating this post to Nick and Andrew.

I didn't contribute a story to Nick Wilford's Overcoming Adversity blogfest and anthology because I plain wasn't ready to share anything painful about my life. Yep, I'm the introverted holds-cards-close-to-her-chest kind of gal.

But I never had to be as brave and overcome as much adversity as Andrew. He is a young man to be admired:

Andrew has cerebral palsy.
Andrew wants to go to college.
A specialist college costs a lot.

You can help by buying a very special book
 written and compiled by bloggers you know.

Check it out:

A collection of seventy moving and uplifting original pieces - real life, flash fiction, and poetry - about battling against the odds and the ultimate triumph of the human spirit. The contributors include Amazon bestselling authors Alex J. Cavanaugh and Kyra Lennon, and the cream of upcoming talent.

The anthology is part of a fundraising effort to send the editor's stepson, Andrew McNaughton, to a specialist college in England. Andrew has cerebral palsy, and is a remarkable young man with a promising future. However, the free further education options offered in his own country of Scotland will not challenge him and allow him to progress. In order to access the education he deserves, Andrew will have to pay exorbitant fees, thus creating a situation of discrimination.

Help us get Andrew to college by buying a book that runs the full gamut of human emotions, ultimately leaving you inspired and glad to be alive. Whatever struggles you are going through, our sincere hope is that this book will help.

Purchase Links:

Editor bio:

Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those rare times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction. When not writing he can usually be found spending time with his family or cleaning something. He has four short stories published in Writer’s Muse magazine. Nick is also co-running a campaign to get a dedicated specialist college built in Scotland. Visit him at

I purchased my copy!

Have you bought yours yet?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Boomtown Craze or Bust!

Another of my Untethered Realms buds is having a new book release! Check out M. Pax's new cover! Now this is something to tweet about!


A Grand New Age of Boom or Dust?

Boomtown Craze, Book 3 in the Backworlds series is here!

In the far future, humanity settles the stars, bioengineering its descendents to survive in a harsh universe.

To secure his future, Craze must propel his world into a more prosperous era. Only days away from the grand opening of his new and improved tavern, he is confronted by a loony Backworlder intent on mucking up his plans. Gaunt and trembling, she claims her spaceship is possessed. She also has a connection to the underworld that shakes loose the dark past of one of Craze’s closest friends. It all threatens to end Craze’s prosperity before it begins.

Meanwhile off world, Captain Talos works desperately to outwit the mercenary Jixes and lure them away from his and Craze’s budding prospects. The mind-control weapon Talos uses against them is wearing thin, and his next move may be his last.

Will Craze and Talos’s efforts bring about a grand new age of boom or damn them to forever struggle in the dust?

Available in ebook at:

Other Outlets can be found at

It will also be available in paperback from Amazon shortly.

About the Author:

M. Pax is a Browncoat and SG fan, she’s also slightly obsessed with Jane Austen. In the summers she docents as a star guide at Pine Mountain Observatory where the other astronomers now believe she has the most extensive collection of moon photos in existence. No fear, there will be more next summer. She lives in stunning Central Oregon with the Husband Unit and two lovely, spoiled cats.

Connect with MPax:

You can also find M. Pax on LinkedIN, Pinterest, YouTube, and Wattpad


From March 4 to March 22, folks can enter to win the following:
  • 1 set of signed Backworlds paperbacks, including The Backworlds, Stopover at the Backworlds’ Edge, and Boomtown Craze. Will only ship to US residents.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Miss Firefly? #scifi Try the Backworlds. Boomtown Craze - Book 3 - Book 1 is #FREE #kindle #nook all ereaders

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Miss Firefly? Try the Backworlds. Book 1 is FREE for all ereaders. Life on the galactic frontier. Will it be boom or dust? Boomtown Craze, Book 3, is now out. WIN books. Paperbacks and ebooks up for giveaway