Monday, September 14, 2015

First Impressions and a Revealing Day

Despite the old saying to the contrary, everyone knows you really CAN judge a book by its cover.
I'm nearly always attracted by a cover first. Of course I have to like the blurb about the content, but the cover is the first impression.
I am very impressed with these two covers!
Check them out...
Coming soon! From Amazon bestselling and popular science fiction and fantasy authors comes Mayhem in the Air, a supernatural anthology of ten thrilling tales. Meet hot robots, hungry winds and the goddess of chaos. Explore alien planets, purgatorial realms, and a shocking place where people bury the living with their dead.
Mayhem in the Air is the second, long-awaited story collection from the dynamic and inventive Untethered Realms group.


Stephen Tremp writes speculative fiction and his fourth novel, Salem’s Daughters, is a supernatural thriller. A four hundred year old evil is unleashed when souls of the daughters of those killed during the Salem Witch Trials find a new generation of people to murder at a popular modern-day bed and breakfast.
For a full synopsis and to pre-order a copy of Salem’s Daughters for $2.99 (price goes up to $4.99 soon after release) Click Here

 Are you ready for some Mayhem?


How about a little witchy business, hmmm?


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

IWSG: Someday Minus The Snort Factor

It's the first Wednesday of the month which coincides with the Insecure Writer's Support Group day, and my monthly post. Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's co-hosts for all the work they do on our behalf. Stop by their blogs and say hello to Alex Cavanaugh,  Heather M. Gardner Christine Rains, Dolorah at Book Lover Julie Flanders  and Murees Dupé if you get a chance.

Since I have nothing new to say about my writing insecurities, I thought I'd share about my hopes and plans. I've been working on an outline for a new book/series. It's taking a loooong time. Strangely, I'm okay with that. I want it to be right. 

But I am still really excited to get started on the writing part!

I'm hoping that once I start the writing that I can share bits and pieces of it with graphics here on my blog and on Twitter and Facebook. Maybe build up some interest in the book while it's still in the writing process. And, you know, sort of act like I'm catering to those avid readers who can't wait for my next book to come out. *snort* Someday I hope to say that without snorting.

But mostly I want to enjoy the whole process without feeling the pressure to publish and just take my time to make sure the writing and story is as good as I'm capable of producing.

I might even try to blog once per week instead of once per month!

What are your hopes and plans?
Any particular insecurity this month?