
Monday, April 8, 2013

A-Z: Gardengoyles at Gertrude's Garden

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!

So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.

I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
G is for Guess who's being featured over at Michael DiGesu's blog as well as C.M. Brown's blog today? That's right - me! Hope you can stop by. 
Now let’s see, what should we talk about for the letter G? I'll just riffle through my files real quick... Lord Greyheart, Ghost Lights, Ghost Whisperer, Ghost Hunting, Graveyard, Gardengoyles...

G is for the Gardengoyles in Gertrude's Garden.

I just have to tell you about the Gardengoyles at Gertrude's Garden! Gertrude's Garden is sort of a neutral nightclub and gathering spot for paranormals that sits right behind the cemetery in Sabrina Shores. Weird, right? Trust me, you don't know the half of it. Anyway, Badger, Simon and I ended up there while investigating missing paranormals.
You know I’m used to seeing ghosts - I know they exist because I’ve always experienced them for as long as I can remember. Yeah, it’s weird to some people, but like I said, I’m used to seeing ghosts.
But what I’m about to reveal really Blew. Me. Away! Gardengoyles. They exist. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…
The figures stopped just out of the shadows, fully visible under the moon glow.
I gasped.
“W-w-what are they?” Simon croaked.
“I dunno,” said Badger, staring up at the creatures. He grasped my shoulder, painfully, and pulled me behind him, all the while inching backwards.
I peered around him to get a better look. “I do. I know what they are. But—they don’t exist.”
“Uh, would you care to enlighten us about the non-existent creatures who may or may not be standing before us?” said Badger, a note of exasperation creeping into his voice.
I grasped Badger’s jacket tightly between my fingers, as if the tighter I hung on, the safer I’d be. “Th-th-they’re gargoyles.”
“Are they dangerous?” asked Badger.
“Dangerous? Look at them!” exclaimed Simon, on the point of hysteria. “Talons and tails can’t be a good thing. Just sayin’. And are those… horns?
“And wings,” I added, as the purplish-grey dude leapt forward and extended a twenty foot wingspan. I’m not gonna lie, I hid my face in Badger’s jacket and waited for the blow. But…
“Name please?”
Simon’s mouth fell open.
“W-what?” I squeaked.
“Name please – this is Saturday, you require a reservation if you’d like to enter.” The gargoyle’s deep voice matched his size.
I gulped. “I…I…I’m…”  Forming words escaped me. I felt like an under-aged youth trying to sneak into a nightclub.
He came closer and peered down at me, squinting his purple glowing eyes. “Why, you’re her, aren’t you? The girl on the missing paranormal panel.” He turned back to his friend. “Hey Gertie, we got live ones here. It’s the girl on the committee and two blokes.”
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  1. Gardengoyles sound interesting. Cool you're being featured on Michael's blog.

    1. They are interesting characters, Miss Aguirre. They're very nice - but I'd hate to make them mad, if you know what I mean.

  2. I love it! Giant gardengoyles as bouncers!

    1. And they're very good at their jobs :)

  3. Hate to be on the receiving end of their bouncing.

    1. You can imagine how scared we were!

  4. Congrats on the bloggy feature! :) And gardengoyles sound like fierce protectors!

    1. Thanks Trisha. They are very fierce, that's why they're in charge of Gertie's.

  5. Gardengoyles sound like a great invention! And it's funny he said "blokes". I imagine them speaking with a gravelly British accent now.

    1. That is exactly how they speak, Mr. Wilford! Especially Glomp. But Gertie's voice is a little softer.

  6. Replies
    1. You have no idea, Mr. Cavanaugh. Although I don't think they would've hurt us....

  7. Loved this... What fun!

    Thanks for the shout out Indigo...

    You've been quite popular at my blog today so far!

    Off to check out what CM has to say...

    1. Oh I loved being featured on your blog today, Mr. Di Gesu! Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed my post, as well.

  8. GardenGoyles sound so flipp'n cool. Do you think they do lawn maintenance? Wouldn't that be awesome!

    1. Oh I'd never ask about lawn maintenance. They're nice, but they're still really big and kind of fierce. And The Garden is really just a euphemism for the graveyard...

    2. Wow, I'll bet they're really good at lawn maintenance...but no, I'd never be brave enough to ask...

  9. Congrats on the features-- always good to have a little extra publicity!

    1. Yes, I'm rather getting to like interacting with the public :)

  10. That was so entertaining! I loved the dialogue and the unexpectedly polite gatekeeper-gargoyle!

  11. Hello Indigo Eady,

    It seems your fame is becoming the talk of blogland! Gardengoyles would be a welcome addition to sort out the magical wee folks in my garden. Sometimes they get a bit too rowdy. All those bloody songs about peace and joy! Indigo, you're my hero!

    Thanks for another amazing ghosting, erm, posting!

    Your adoring fan,

    Gary :)

  12. I love this perspective! I need to let some of my characters out to play.

    G = Gratifying vs Grating Grammar

  13. You are slaying me with his wonderful letter by letter traipse into Indigo's crazy goings-on. :-)


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