
Saturday, April 6, 2013

A-Z: Freakin' Frankenstein

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!
So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.
I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
F is for Freakin' Frankenstein.
We all know who Frankenstein is, right? He’s the dude made up of different body parts and brought to life during an electrical storm by a mad scientist. He was kind of scary back in the day, but not so much anymore, what with all the scary monsters we have now. You know, monsters like demons and zombies are way scarier than Frankenstein’s monster.
At least, that’s what I thought until Franny allowed my little cousin Bryan to watch Frankenstein on television. As you know, Franny is a ghost and former madam who lives at my house. Bryan is Simon’s little brother who died in a hit and run accident along with his mother. In the book, A Guilty Ghost Surprised (not yet released), Bryan has crossed over to heaven but returns for some reason. So that prompts us to launch a murder investigation. We figured if we found the hit and run driver then we could figure out why Bryan returned and send him back.
In the meantime, Bryan is hanging around the house all day watching television with Franny. I’m afraid Bryan has opened a whole new world for Franny by introducing her to television. They even fight over the remote control. Bryan wants to watch cartoons and Franny watches the soaps.
 I guess I never thought much about ghosts getting scared, though. But Bryan is still only a little boy...
Muted television sounds came from downstairs, but I tried to ignore it. I was just drifting off when a commotion coming from Simon’s room interrupted me. A muffled yell, then footsteps running down the hall, and then my door flung open.
I abruptly sat up, my heart racing.
Simon ran in with Bryan shooting around him into my bed and Fanny floating through him in her haste to get inside my room. 
What the bloody hell is going on?” Simon yelled in a stage whisper, shivering.
“Bryan, it’s okay, child…” Fanny soothed Bryan while Simon continued to babble.
“I was sleeping and then something yanked the covers off and then the flippin’ bed turned ice cold and I felt something, I don’t know what, climb into bed with me…”
He was totally freaked out.
“It’s okay,” I said. “It’s only Bryan.” Bryan dove into my bed and curled against my side like a giant cold foot. I shivered and pulled the blanket up to my chin.
“What happened?” I asked Fanny while Simon stood uncomprehending and Bryan clung to my arm.
“We were only watching television, dear, and Bryan screamed and flew up here, as if terrified for his life…”
I sighed. “What were you watching?”
“Frankenstein?” I was exasperated. “Fanny, you can’t let a three-year-old watch scary movies, especially not in the middle of the night.”
“They were watching Frankenstein?” asked Simon, incredulous.
“He was a perfectly lovely creature, dear. Not scary at all, really.”
“Maybe not to you, but you’re used to scary, er, different creatures,” I said.
“They were watching Frankenstein?” Simon repeated.
Fanny looked at Bryan. “I am sorry, child, I didn’t know.” She float-paced, grief stricken. “It’s been ever so long since I’ve been around children. Not since I was a child myself, and that was a hundred and twenty-five years ago.”
Do you have any scary movie stories?
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  1. Ha! I love the idea of a little boy ghost getting freaked out by a horror movie. This was cute. :)

    1. Thanks Nick. It is sort of cute, but at the time it scared poor Bryan to death, um, no pun intended.

  2. Funny how Bryon and Fannie fight over the remote.

    1. Funny, except when they kept us up all night with their shenanigans!

  3. Ha! Ha! She let the poor child watch a scary movie.

    1. Yes, that was his initiation into scary movies :)

  4. Ghost or not, some things are still scary to children.

    1. It's amazing what scares children, really. I remember being scared of Lambert the sheepish lion when I was little - but that was because of the scary wolf.

  5. Maybe someone should monitor their television watching?

    1. LOL, Mr. Cavanaugh! If you know of a way to control a couple of ghosts, I'd reallllly love to know what it is :)

  6. Great story... Love the different ghostly personalities...

    Hey, Indigo .... Don't forget you are featured at my blog on Monday! But PLEASE leave the ghost use at home!
    I don't want to scare away my blogger buddies!

    1. Thanks Mr. Di Gesu - they are an interesting group.

      The ghost muse? Not afraid of a few harmless ghosts are you? But yes, I'll try to make sure I'm not followed :)

  7. If I was watching Frankenstein on my television, I reckon he'd better get off or he may well break my set.

    My son and I watched "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" the acting in that was scarily bad.

    And just like that...I'm gone...............................

    1. Oh I love Bedknobs and Broomsticks, it's one of my all time favorites!

  8. This is so cute, I love that the little ghost was scared. And I love Franny the ghost so I'm glad she will be in the next book too. :)

    1. Thanks Miss Flanders, I hope Franny will be around for a long time. I mean, unless she's ready to cross over, of course :)

  9. Loved this! That's how I feel when my offspring watches "Finding BigFoot" with Daddy and then I'm left with damage control:) This is my favorite post so far - loved it!

    1. Thank you, Miss Sam. We didn't get a wink of sleep that night!

  10. wow, girl, you are quite the creative frankenstein aren't you?? :D

    1. Haha, well, I'm not the creative one, really. Gwen has these things pop into her head and then she just runs with it :)

  11. Frankenstein terrified me when I was a kid.

    1. I seem to recall being rather afraid when I was young, too. No wonder Bryan was so terrified.

  12. I am a complete wuss. Let me put it this way: Jurassic Park gave me nightmares.

    1. I'm not one to watch scary movies, at least not alone. But with a cute guy, the scary stuff comes in rather handy...

  13. Great angle Gwen, I enjoyed this.

    1. Thanks Carolyn! And thanks so much for featuring me on your blog today :)


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