
Friday, April 5, 2013

A-Z: Extrasensory Perception

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!

So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.

I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
E is for Extrasensory Perception (ESP).
Not only can I see and speak with ghosts and do Psychometry—which I’ll explain when I get to the Ps—but I have ESP as well.

Extrasensory Perception is when you sense things through the mind, rather than the physical senses. It's like intuition or precognition, only magnified.

I think all of us experience ESP, if we’d just pay attention. For a ghost whispering, psychometry reading psychic, I can be awfully dense sometimes. Like in Givin’ Up The Ghost. I was given the same clue over and over again. Finally, toward the end of the investigation, it was pounded into my head during sleep. We could have solved the investigation so much sooner if I had Just. Paid. Attention!
“I’m so happy for you,” I said to Badger. Tears blurred my vision. I hugged him tightly. I was happy. Truly happy. So why couldn’t I shake this feeling? Now that the investigation was over, it felt anticlimactic. That must be where my uneasiness came from. All the work we did, and we hadn’t solved the crime. The police solved it after all. Somehow, it felt wrong.
A watery sun peeked over the horizon by the time we reached home, exhausted. We ate a quick breakfast and each went to our rooms to sleep.
Perhaps this time I can sleep. I changed into my pajamas and fell into bed.
I fell instantly into a deep, almost unnatural sleep.

Claude Burns is sitting at the end of the bar, already unsteady on his stool – the clock behind the bar flashes 11:27 a.m. Claude is laughing, talking to Charlie, gesticulating a funny occasion with his hands –the sounds are muted, as if under water.
Bart Bagley is on a stool at the other end of the bar, reading a newspaper. The date on the newspaper is August 20, 2011, which flashes like the clock behind the bar. Bart opens the paper and begins to read. 11:29 flashes on the clock behind the bar.

Charlie goes into the back, damp towel thrown over his shoulder.

Bart yells something indistinguishable, anger apparent in his every move, tension emanating from his body, like a shaken soda about to bubble over. He throws the newspaper on the bar, grabs his briefcase with one hand and is dialing a number on his mobile with the other.

Claude, the only other person in the room, watches him go.

....Claude is sitting at the end of the bar...

....The clock behind the bar flashes 11:27...

....Bart sitting on a stool at the other end...

....August 20, 2011 flashing on the newspaper...

....Bart opens the newspaper...

....Bart throws down the newspaper...

....Bart throws down the newspaper...

....Bart throws down the newspaper...

Now-- do you get the feeling the clue has something to do with the NEWSPAPER?! Sheesh!
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  1. Lol! I wish I had such a determined ESP. :)

    1. Mine was certainly determined by that point!

  2. I've always loved ESP. If I had a gift, that's what I'd want.

    1. Ciara, I certainly have my moments, for sure. I should just pay closer attention!

  3. I would love to have ESP. Then I could make accurate guesses about what editors and agents are looking for ;)

    1. Hehe, it's funny how ESP rarely works to benefit yourself - but I wish!

  4. I think ESP would be the ultimate aid for writers!

    1. You would think so, but like I just told Rachna, it rarely works to benefit yourself - mostly it benefits others.

  5. Replies
    1. Well, that last clue was obvious, the one in my dream. But the others were way too subtle for me, lol!

  6. I think my wife has ESP. Scary how she always knows what I am thinking.

    1. They do say that people who have been together a long time form a type of telepathy.

  7. ESP can be both good and bad. Another intriguing post Gwen.

    1. Yes, sometimes it reveals things you don't want to know!

  8. What did the newspaper say??? I don't have ESP - I need to know:)

    1. Sam, I don't want to spoil the conclusion, so you'll have to read Givin' Up The Ghost to find out ;)

  9. Very interesting! I'm thinking there is something important with that newspaper... ;)

    Happy A to Z-ing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

    1. LOL, yes! There was something very important....

  10. Very cool! I love the idea of ESP, of that gut feeling that always tells you the right thing. This sounds like a great story and I hope it garners you sales to the stars. I know I'll be reading. :)

    1. It has its advantages. But sometimes you can misinterpret what that gut feeling is telling you, and then....stuff happens.

  11. It's the newspaper, Indigo! :
    ESP experiences can be creepy to those of us not used to them - and subject to wild misinterpretation as well! They are undeniable when they happen - at least, mine were. *shudder*

    1. I'd love to hear your experiences, Miss Eno. And you're so right - sometimes what I'm given psychically can be totally misinterpreted.

  12. Ooh, I love your A-Z theme! I'm always interested in paranormal stuff.
    Heck, I'd like to see more of this story too!

    1. Thanks Deniz. Every day we'll have paranormal stuff here, so please come back!

  13. Ah, it only took a little longer than ever expected for the ESP driven clue to finally become clear as a bell :-)

    It's okay Indigo.

    1. Thanks Angela. Sometimes I can be so dense!

  14. ESP, like that subject and the story. :)

    Visiting from the A to Z.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I hope you come back for more.

  15. Hey Indigo Eady,

    Do you remember me? Did you know that the ESP between us compelled me to leave a comment. Pretty neat, huh?

    And with that, I suddenly vanish.......

    1. Of course I remember you, Klahanie! I was just thinking about you, and now here you are!

    2. Yes I knew you were thinking about me. Of course, you knew I was going to leave a bonus comment, didn't you?!

  16. I'd love to have ESP.

    1. It comes in handy sometimes, but at other times...I just wish it'd go away!


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