
Thursday, April 4, 2013

A-Z: Damnable Doppelgangers

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady

Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!

So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.

I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
D is for Damnable Doppelgangers.

The same evening we attended the cotillion, I saw my first doppelganger. Correction. My own doppelganger. Trust me, that was weird, even for me...

I lifted the hem of my dress and let myself be pulled across the floor. Our shadows blended with theirs as we ascended up the wide, winding staircase. A majority of the shadows veered left and we joined the queue. Badger continued to pull me quickly along the hall before they discovered...

Too late. The shy shadows, ever elusive, figured out we were following them. They dispersed in a flash, scattering in every direction and disappearing through cracks. We were left turning circles in an empty hall.

“Okay,” said Badger. “They were headed this way. Let’s just keep going, see if we can pick up the trail.”

I tried to ignore the lace-up boots that pinched my toes. I was no Amazon, but the Victorians were small, especially their shoes, which were a mite too narrow for my feet. We wandered the maze of halls and didn’t see a sign of the Shadow People. 

Badger kept hold of my hand as we approached the end of a portrait-lined hall, wall sconces lighting our progress.

“Look at that,” said Badger, as we approached a gold-gilded, wall-length mirror. “Blimey, we look good!”

We admired our reflections in full Victorian dress. Me in an off-the-shoulder violet dress, a single, long black curl resting over my pale white shoulder. Badger in black tail coat and trousers with a black waistcoat, white bow tie and shirt—black top hat perched at an angle on his head.

We smiled at our reflections.

Our reflections smiled back.

We laughed.

Our reflections laughed back.

Our reflections waved…

I did not wave…so how…

I turned to Badger—he turned to me.

“What…did you…I didn’t…”

Badger looked as freaked out as I felt.

We looked back at the mirror. Although no sound reached us, they were laughing at us! Having a good laugh, too, hanging on each other’s shoulders.

She stuck her tongue out at us.

He made an obscene hand gesture.

I sucked in a breath. My fists went to my hips. “Stop that!” 

Badger, the real one, frowned. “What are they?”

“Right off hand I’d say they’re doppelgangers. Our doubles. But the real question is, what are they doing here?”

“Or more importantly, why are they purposely antagonizing us?”

He was right. They were deliberately trying to get a rise out of us. But why?

“Who are you?” I don’t know what her game was, but someone else wearing my face and body wasn’t cool.

She turned and kissed the Badger reflection right on the lips, a long, sensuous, face-sucking, tongue-wrangling kiss.

I gasped and took a step closer, a brief flicker of something like jealousy momentarily sparking my temper. Was he enjoying kissing me, er, her? I didn’t see him struggling...

Then she turned back to me and winked.

“Why you little…”

The moment I touched the mirror, I fell through, Badger’s voice calling my name ringing in my ears.
Related A-Z Links:
Creepy Cotillion 



  1. Oh no! We know what happened to Alice when she went through the mirror.

    1. Yes, Diane, it was sort of like falling through the rabbit hole!

  2. Yikes. I do love a good doppelganger intrigue.

    1. I can only tell you this: our doppelganger's play a bigger role later on in the series :)

  3. Great "D" post! New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge and I look forward to visiting again.


    1. Thank you, Sylvia. Gwen will be so pleased!

  4. What a great passage-- love the imagination. Sometimes I wonder how I'd respond if my reflection started acting independently of me!

    1. It's pretty weird, Miss Luek. I just hope the doppelganger pretending to be me doesn't do something I'll regret!

  5. Wow, I love this excerpt! I think this is my favorite yet. :)

    1. Thanks Julie, the doppelgangers will feature more in the next novella.

  6. I thought I loved dopplegangers . but this kind ? eh. hell no !
    you write fun !!


    1. This kind were definitely up to no good. I don't know what they were up to yet, but when I find out....

  7. Shy shadows and reflections that wave first, what interesting adventures. Can't wait to read the whole thing.

    1. Second Death will be out really soon, Mary

  8. An interesting an engaging passage. It pulled me right into the story.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth - I got pulled right in too - in the mirror, I mean!

  9. Oh that was an awesome passage. Their true desires, perhaps?

    1. Now that's an interesting theory ;)

  10. I found an incredible doppleganger of my daughter on the internet a few months ago. I started sending the picture around and everyone thought it was her.

    Dropping by from the A to Z Challenge. It's my first year.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist

    1. Wow! And isn't it kind of weird?

  11. Thats a naughty doppelganger. Enjoyed reading this post ! I read a story by Gerald Durrell once where a ghost kills and eats the people whose images are getting reflected in the mirror. So the person is actually alive but his image is being devoured by the ghost !
    Dropped here as part of A to Z :)

    1. Now that is really weird! Thanks for sharing. Now I'll really be looking over my shoulder ;)


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