
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A-Z: Creepy Cotillion

A-Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranomal Case Files of Indigo Eady

Indigo Eady
A-Z Host
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!

So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.

I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
C is for the Case of the Creepy Cotillion.
Ah yes. The case of the creepy cotillion. You may be asking what’s so creepy about a cotillion, right? I mean, it’s just a dance. But how many of you have attended a Victorian cotillion full of ghosts and other paranormal beings? I mean, I had the dress and the hair. I even had a dance card!

I can’t tell you everything that happened that night, because I don’t want to spoil the book for you when it comes out. But here’s what happened when we first got there:
Jameson, a smile pasted on his bulbous head, served drinks. The boys and I chose to stick with water. Gazing around the big hall, I was amazed by the lavish décor, so different than the last time we were there. A huge, candlelit chandelier hung near the center of the room. Candlelit sconces lined the walls. Even so, the cotillion hall was brighter than the candlelight warranted. I reminded myself that though we’d been here for half an hour, it was probably just a nanosecond in real time. I scanned the room for Shadow People and noted for the first time that there were quite a number of them moving along the walls and floors.
“Excuse me, I believe the next dance is mine.” The three-armed dude—what was his name? Krispin—hovered over me.
“Oh!” Startled, I looked at the dance card attached to my wrist. Krispin’s name was scribbled next to the third dance, a waltz. “I’m not sure I can…”
“I am an expert dancer, Miss Eady. Just follow my lead.” He smiled down into my face, totally creeping me out.
“Well. Okay then.” My two left feet and I followed him onto the dance floor. Once I got the hang of it, it was quite fun, and Krispin was indeed a wonderful dancer. I enjoyed myself until one of his hands began to wander down a bit low on my backside. Still, he continued to smile into my face.
“Mr. Krispin, if your hand wanders any further I shall be forced to scream the house down,” I said, returning his creepy smile.
“Oh I beg your pardon, Miss Eady. With three hands, it’s sometimes awkward knowing what to do with the unoccupied one.”
Creepy smile still pasted to his face, the wayward hand began to wander again. I frowned and considered stomping on his foot. But that didn’t work well will ghosts. But if he thought it might actually hurt…
“Pardon me. May I cut in?” said Badger politely.
Krispin turned and scowled at Badger. “I say, if you want to dance with the young lady, then sign her dance card.” Annoyance slid from his tongue. “This is my dance.” He turned back to me.
“And I say,” said Badger, “that I would gladly relieve you of one of your arms should one of them become too—what was the word?—awkward.” He grasped my hand, muttering “Flippin’ Tosser,” as he led me off the dance floor.
 It started with Krispin, but the rest of the evening just got more and more interesting. You'll have to wait to find out what happened, though, for when more A-Z links are posted. 
Dare I ask if you've ever danced with a three-armed dude?
A-Z Related Links:


  1. A man with three hands? I'm not buying his excuse on not knowing what to do with the extra one though.

    1. Oh I agree. I think he was enjoying himself way too much.

  2. This makes me think of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. Mainly because I went on that ride at least three times last week. I love the ballroom scene with dancing ghosts.

    1. It was rather like that, now that you mention it. But just imagine being in the middle of it!

  3. I loved the book. Indigo Eady is a wonderful MC.

    1. Thank you, Rachna. There is a lot more to come :)

  4. Um, I see why you call it Creepy. Definitely a chill-worthy experience.


    Find me:
    Twitter: @AllysonLindt

    1. And it gets a whole lot creepier!

  5. Thank you, Shelly! Hugs and chocolate back to you, as well.

  6. Love the creepy cotillion! The name itself is awesome. And I do hope Gwen will give you a bit of a break, Indigo. I'm as clumsy as can be so I feel your pain!

    1. The cotillion is a pretty awesome place, Miss Flanders. I mean, the punch is to die for - almost literally. But that's for the "Y" post. But you know, I'm not clumsy. Not really. See, it's because of the spirits...*stop that laughing, Badger!*

  7. Dare I ask if you've ever danced with a three-armed dude? Sometimes it felt like it.

    1. Hehe. I'll admit, teenage boys sometimes seem like they have more than two hands!

  8. I liked it. Three armed dude-very cool. Good stuff!

    1. Thank you! The story is kind of funny. And it was fun that Badger defended my honor :)

  9. Oh I enjoyed these. The book must be real fun :)

    1. Looking back now, we've had fun on our cases - and some dangerous and not so fun stuff, too.

  10. I have never danced with a one-armed dude BUT I did have a creepy cotillion. I avoided my date (the class valedictorian's) lips all night long. This is my first visit to your blog and I enjoyed it. Please visit us at and, if you like what you see, sign up to become a member.

    1. Date's can be like that in high school!

  11. Wow! Looking forward to seeing the book when it comes out... that story sounds creepy!

    1. Yes, and it gets creepier! Second Death will be out in June-ish :)

  12. Replies
    1. Yes, wasn't it awesome, Alex? He was almost possessive!

  13. I'm pretty sure I dated some dudes with three hands... seemed like more. lol

  14. Yay for Badger! I've never danced with a guy with three hands but many with two left feet.

    1. HaHa! I've never seen Badger in a fast dance, but slow dancing? He's really, really good!

  15. Creepy. Oh Christine just stole my line LOL. I too have two left feet and a horrid sense of rhythm. Maybe I'd do better with a 3-handed partner!

    1. That is an interesting theory, Miss Luek!

  16. Hope you are enjoying the challenge, Gwen!!

    1. Indigo and I are both enjoying the challenge, Candilynn! Thanks for stopping by :)

  17. A three armed man. And had the nerve to get fresh.

    Well I never...seriously, never danced with a three armed man but it only takes one to wander into awkward spaces. lol!

    1. Really, Angela! I was quite surprised. I mean, before I discovered Gertrude's Garden, I had no idea they existed!

  18. Well, that was unexpected! Nothing creepier than a three-armed groper - for some reason I kept envisioning Beetlejuice in that role:)

    1. Haha, that's so funny, Sam. Because it WAS sort of like that!

  19. Ha! Poor guy, bet it is rough to figure out where that third hand goes. As for me, I don't believe I've ever danced with a three armed man. ;)

    1. I sure the extra hand comes in handy for leading, but I'm pretty sure Krispin uses it for a lot of other things, as well. Like groping!

  20. i <3 badger!
    how fun! keep em coming!

    1. I'm rather fond of Badger as well - don't tell him I said that.

  21. Creepy, creepy- way to go Badger. <3 Happy A2Z

  22. Oh, that was creepy.

    1. He is totally creepy. Groping and smiling, as if nothing is out of the ordinary.

  23. Sounds like that was a very interesting dance! :) I'm visiting from the A-Z Road Trip. I look forward to reading more of your A-Z posts and the book.


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