
Monday, April 29, 2013

A - Z: Yggdrasil Packs a Punch

A - Z Challenge 2013:
The Paranormal Case Files of Indigo Eady
Hey bloggers! I’m Indigo Eady and I play the leading role in Givin’ Up The Ghost, A Guilty Ghost Surprised and Second Death, written by Gwen Gardner.  I've had some pretty interesting paranormal experiences, to say the least. I mean, just look at those titles!
So I’ve been asked by Gwen to host and share some of my paranormal case files for the A-Z Challenge.
I’m always happy to help Gwen out. Right now I’m trying to get on her good side so she’ll ease up on the clumsy angle of my character. And maybe she’ll even give me a little more confidence, especially around boys. Oh, and I’d totally love it if she made my bubble butt just a little bit smaller. So—you know—if you enjoy my case files, maybe you could put in a good word for me…
Y is for Yggdrasil packs a punch.
The Yggdrasil is a type of sacred ash tree. Also called the world tree, it is said to unite Heaven, Earth and the Underworld by its roots and branches. The real Yggadrasil tree is located at the center of the universe and is considered the tree of knowledge.
I suspect this to be the main ingredient in the punch at Gertrude’s Garden. My theory is that’s why all the dimensions can congregate and coexist there, the living and dead alike. Even non-seers like Simon and Badger. I also think that’s why the punch affected me so much more than the others—because I am already able to see the otherworldlies. Adding the punch sort of put me on overload.
Here’s what happened. Do you remember when we were on ‘G’ for Gertrude’s Garden? Or was it ‘I’ for inter-dimensional travel? Anyway, while I was there, I drank the punch. Paranormal Punch. And lord almighty, what a mistake. Here’s what happened when we were inside Gertie’s seated at a table and discussing the missing paranormals case:
“Th-they want to know, bwahaha,” snorted Franklin, “why Gertie’s is called the ‘garden.’”
The table erupted into a roar, but eventually Franny controlled herself. “It’s a joke, dear.” Snort-sniggle-cough. “It’s called the ‘garden’ because it’s attached to the cemetery. It’s the one thing all paranormals have in common. We’re ‘planted’ there until we emerge in the afterlife. Get it? Planted instead of buried? That’s why it’s called the garden.”
Everyone began laughing again.
“Um, yeah. I get it.” I guess when faced with the strangeness of afterlife, a morbid sense of humor is a must.
“Nice they can laugh at their own demise,” said Badger out the side of his mouth.
“No doubt,” added Simon, a plastic smile pasted on his face. He reached for his glass and took a sip of the red drink. “Mmmm, this is bloody tasty. What’s it called, then?”
“Just your garden variety punch, dear,” said Franny, tittering at her joke.
Realizing how thirsty I was, I took a sip. “Oh, this is good.” I chugged half of it in one gulp. Suddenly the room began to sway and faces blurred. I shook my head, blinked my eyes. When my chair began to spin, I clamped my hands to the seat to keep from falling off. The last thing I remembered was wishing I had a seat belt.
And I’ll bet you already guessed that I had to be carried home, dead to the world so to speak.
A - Z Related Links:

Creepy Cotillion


  1. Love the Yggdrasil tree and it's mythology.

    1. It's delicious in punch, too!

  2. Indigo is just so sensitive to so many things. You poor dear.

    I have intentions of learning more about the mythos for Yggdrasil.

    1. Just test it wisely, Angela! It packs a real punch ;)

  3. Nice "punch" line! :D

    I'd heard of the Yggdrasil tree as I read a book on Norse mythology as a kid.

  4. Yggdrasil figures into my THE BEAR WITH TWO SHADOWS and in his adventure in the anthology FRACTURED FAIRY TALES. I love toying with the concept. Delightful post as always!

    1. Thanks Roland. It's such an intriguing little tree.

  5. Never heard of the Yggdrasil tree and it's mythology. Interesting post!

    1. Don't ask me to pronounce it, though!

  6. Oh no Nick W. Poor thing, you pretty much got drunk. By accident. Nice stuff Indigo and congrats Gwen on holding such an exciting month of A-Z Challenge posts on your blog.

    1. Yeah, I think drunk is pretty much what happened. It was a fun challenge, thanks for stopping by regularly, I really appreciate it.

  7. That stuff must pack quite a punch for her.

    1. *snort* Yep, it did pack quite a "punch"!

  8. I love the mythology behind this tree and the pictures I've seen of it too.

    1. Yes, and so many uses for it, too, if you just use your imagination :)

  9. Hey, Gwen,
    I'd take a gander at pronouncing Yggdrasil, but would probably tie my tongue. ;)

    J.L. Campbell writes Jamaican Kid Lit

  10. Note to self "don't drink the punch"

    1. Yes, especially when you're at Gertrude's Garden!


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