
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

IWSG: On Not Quitting

Today is the first Wednesday of the month which means it's Insecure Writer's Support Group day. If you'd like to join, go HERE. Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh and his minions who put time into this worthy cause every month.

Last week I was feeling pretty down about this whole writing life. I wasn't happy with my writing and or progress. It's a vicious cycle of not enough time to write or improve because of the day job and too tired at the end of the day to feel creative. Realistically, my writing time is only on weekends.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what I'd like to write and am sort of admitting and accepting the limitations of where I'm at skill-wise and time-wise. And even though I'm not happy with it, I don't want to quit. Or can't quit. Or whatever this thing is that keeps driving me to write.

That's a good thing, right?

How is your writing going?


  1. Yes it's good that you are realizing your limits and trying to work with it not giving up. Perseverance and the creative soul within are probably helping fuel your need to keep writing. Feed them and ensure that you try not to overburden yourself when you can. Sometimes you have to do less of a hobby, other times say no to doing something for friend. Whatever it takes to live as stress free a life as possible you do it Gwen and keep writing. Much love.

    1. I do have stress in my life, Sheena-Kay, but I also put more on myself than is necessary, for sure. Such high expectations of myself. But I'm working on putting it all in perspective.

  2. I've been having to acknowledge my own limitations lately, too. It definitely sucks to realize you can only push yourself so far, but without slowing down, the only options left are to burn out or quit. (Neither of those are really good to consider, even though my depression likes to argue otherwise, haha.) Best of luck with your writing! Hopefully you'll reach a point where your limitations don't weigh down on you so much...

    1. I wish there was a magic solution, Heather, but I'm just going to keep moving forward.

  3. It is a good thing, Gwin. No matter the circumstances, never give up. A page here, a page there adds up to a story. When I started writing I was still teaching. Between classes and paperwork and my family my writing time was scarce. It just took me longer to write my novels then than it does now that I'm retired. You can do it. Best of luck.

    1. Retirement is an option for the future and it will be really nice, Beverly.

  4. And the growth comes slowly, unexpectedly, while we're busy thinking about other things. That's hard, being relegated to weekends, but way to keep moving! I keep telling myself there will be more time and freedom later on in life. I believe it, but I also kinda know it's a lie. =)

    1. What you don't think about when you're younger is that "later" means "older" and less energy, lol. But I'll take what I can get.

    2. Hey, even with less energy we can write. I mean, how much energy does it take to sit in a chair or a bed, eh?

  5. That drive won't let you quit.
    Focus on those weekend writing times and keep at it.

    1. That's what I'm doing, Alex, at least for now :)

  6. It's a very good thing. Just keep at it. You'll get there. Writing is a juggling process for all of us. I, for one, always feel better to know others struggle with the same things I do. I totally feel ya. Great post! :D

    1. That's what makes the IWSG so great. We do all experience a lot of the same issues.

  7. I have been feeling down about writing for most of this year but I've finally managed to come to some sort of acceptance of my limitations and just enjoy the writing itself. I realize I am so much happier when I am just writing and not worrying about all the aspects of publishing that I can't control.
    I'm glad you're not quitting. I love your stories!

    1. That's exactly it, Julie. Just enjoying the writing itself is what it's all about.

  8. Gwen,
    YES! Definitely a good thing and I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking this: thank you for saying so, that it's tough and yet you're still keeping on. We've all been there and I'm not that far off from that place myself. Thanks for sharing this!
    Anne from

    1. Never quit, Anne! Not when you love it so much. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. The time bit gets me now. Between DLP, speaking, clients, and life, I have little time to write on my own. I did manage to cram in some editing this past weekend and finally finished one story. Three down, two to go. We'll find a way to make it happen.

    1. We will find a way, Diane. We're in this together.

  10. I think many writers have those dark moments and the time thing is the worst. Hope you found a solution that you feel good about.

    1. I usually just plod along doing my thing and don't worry too much about being a writing success. The dark moments don't happen to me very often, but when they do--I don't like it. I guess that's stating the obvious. LOL.

  11. I could have sworn I already commented here but apparently not I have my moments too but like you I can't quit, don't know that I really want to quit, but I get it.
    Happy Writitng & IWSG Day,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

    1. I don't want to quit either. I can't. There's this bizarre hold on me, LOL.

  12. Please don't quit. I feel we all have to accept our limitations at some point. And we all certainly have these low points. Sending hugs!

  13. No quitting, Gwen. That's the spirit. "Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." - William Feather - my favorite quote.

    1. Thanks for the quote, Olga. I love it. And I'm going to stick this writing thing out.

  14. After I read your post, I sat here a moment thinking of how many times I considered quitting only to re-route my thoughts from that path every time. I thought of what it would be like to not write and realized I couldn't really imagine it.

    I've a feeling that the drive to write is something deeper, embedded into the very essence of what makes And you and I are going to keep writing. You have a wonderful gift that must be shared.

    1. We are going to keep writing, Angela, even during the low times. Thanks, hon! (((hugs)))

  15. Writing is my joy, the rest of it, not so much. You'll get there, I've no doubt! There are many obstacles but if it's your joy. Go for it!

    1. Oh I'm with you on "the rest of it" Yolanda. The rest of it can suck the big one. LOL.

  16. I'm so glad that you aren't quitting! You have a beautiful gift.
    Best wishes this next month and year!

    1. Thanks so much, Tyrean! It's great to hear it. (((hugs)))

  17. It is a very good thing. I love your stories! Countless times I've rethought everything, but I realize I can never stop writing. :)

    1. Writing does have a strange hold on us, doesn't it? Thanks, Christine.

  18. Acceptance of limitations is tough; I've been there a while. I've found some inspiration this month. HooRah for me.

    And you too. Just keep going, whenever you can.

  19. Hi Gwen,

    I wouldn't quit. Your writing is a part of you. I know it is hard trying to write and maintain a day job. I've been there and it is not easy, so try to only write a paragraph or two in the evening when you get home. Write about anything. I don't know if you maintain a journal, but during those times, my journal became my writing buddy. That is the first thing I would do when I got home and that took the pressure off of my soul.
    All the best. You're doing something right so hang in there.
    Shalom aleichem,

    1. Yes, even getting a few words down helps. I wish I could remember that!

  20. We all have limitations: desire, time, ability. But we all have the capacity to work through those. We do, if we don't quit. So here's to not doing that. Congratulations.

    1. Yep, not quitting, don't know how, Lee. Getting better is my goal.

  21. For many writers, I think it's a can't quit thing. I empathize with the limitations on time, especially with day jobs being so draining. I'm sorry you've been struggling, but I'm glad to see that you're not quitting.

  22. This is so hard. Finding time is...rough. And then when you have it, feeling motivated on demand is...rougher. Good luck!

  23. Hi human, Gwen,

    Indeed, my human friend, the passion for the written word is your driving force. That's a good thing, write!

    My writing, as paw usual, is pawesome! If only my human would paw attention to my writing. He might learn something.

    Pawsitive wishes,

    Penny! :)

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