
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

IWSG: First Endeavors

Today is Insecure Writer's Support Group Day. If you'd like to join, go HERE.

Thank you to Alex Cavanaugh and this month's co-hosts for their kindness in seeing that everyone is supported and part of the group. Please stop by and say hey.

This month's question is: What was your very first piece of writing as an aspiring writer? Where is it now? Collecting dust or has it been published?

Since I've always marched to the beat of my own drum and am a horse of a different color and all that, I went straight to the heart of my desire; novel writing. Givin' Up the Ghost was my first venture into publishing. As is, it has mostly 4 and 5 star reviews on Amazon, but I'm really itching to take it down and rewrite it because I know I can do better. Still, the first draft was flat as a stale soda pop. It was written in third person the first go around. As a test, I rewrote part of it in first person POV. Then it came alive! It was so much better that I rewrote the whole thing in first person.

I'm feeling good this month with no new insecurities--just the old ones that pop up from time to time. I'm actually getting some work done thanks to my CP, Angela Brown, holding me accountable--and vice versa. Without her I'd be chasing the next new shiny idea!

How did your first piece of writing go?

Is it published?

How's your writing life going?


  1. Hurray for not having any new insecurities! And heh, I can relate far too well to wanting to take a story down to revamp it. (I often want to do the same for my current webcomic.) Best of luck staying productive this month!

    1. No new insecurities, Heather, just the old ones! LOL.

  2. Yay! Very cool that you're insecurity-free this month. I wrote poetry first, but I was seven or something. My grandmother still has the poems somewhere. :-D

    1. That'd be really cool to see your seven-year-olds-self poetry, Misha!

  3. My publisher let me go back and make some minor changes in my first book. You should polish it and put up a newer version. It'll make you feel better.

    1. I'm going to one day, Alex. Especially as my writing improves, I can see a lot of mistakes in my early writing.

  4. LOL! I think that's always the temptation to back and change it. I was also able to republish after making changes, and it eased some of my anxiety. Still, there comes a point where you just have to say, "No more."

    1. When it's better I'll say no more, Crystal! LOL.

  5. Good call changing the pov! That's not something everyone can do.

    1. It was a lot of work changing the whole novel, but totally worth it. It was hard making sure the POV was consistent after that, LOL.

  6. We have a hard time letting go of those stories, don't we?

  7. I like the title of your first novel. It sounds like a fun read.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  8. It's amazing how changing the point of view can make a piece pop. I still wish I could figure out the right POV before writing, though. Heh.

    I have revamped previously published work before, and to be honest, I'm glad I did. But I wouldn't recommend it as something to do often.

    1. I'm really comfortable with first person now. I feel really awkward with anything else. LOL.

  9. Rewriting a book is one thing but rewriting it and changing it from third person to first person. As is a big undertaking. Good for you!

  10. It's so hard to let those stories go. I want to rewrite an older manuscript too but I know the job won't be a quick and easy one.

    1. Going back to rewrite my first novel would take time away from my current work. Ugh, there just isn't enough time in the day!

  11. Hooray for not being insecure this month. Enjoy it. =D

  12. Write on! Glad you found the right POV for your book. That's very important. The only thing that should be flat is the pages of the print version. The story needs to fly.

  13. Gwen,
    This makes me feel so much better you have no idea. The first novel I self-published, I've done the same thing, pulled it down to rewrite and tried first person POV and that did the trick and yet I'm so nervous about this I kind of have been ignoring it for a while, hoping it will go away. You're giving me courage to finish the work I started on that.

    Anne from

  14. I've thought of redoing my first published book too, but then I hate taking the time from new books that I'm itching to write.

  15. I think all of us feel that way about our first book, lol! But I think with all your reviews, you're fine :-)

  16. My first writing was done in high school. Don't know what happened to those short stories. I enjoyed Givin' Up the Ghost. I'm sure you could tighten the narrative and make it better, but I suspect your fans would rather have new stories.

  17. I was writing since I could print words! Love those CPs who can keep you motivated. :) Can't wait to read your next story.

  18. Crit partners do help, don't they? Nothing like being accountable to someone else to give us the kick up the backside we need.

  19. Crit partners do help, don't they? Nothing like being accountable to someone else to give us the kick up the backside we need.


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