
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

#IWSG: Best in Craft


Welcome back to episode # 8 of the 2021 Insecure Writer's Support Group monthly event. If you'd like to join GO HERE

Many thanks to our founder, Alex Cavanaugh, as well as this month's awesome co-hosts: PK Hrezo, Cathrina Constantine, PJ Colando, Kim Lajevardi, and Sandra Cox!

This month's optional question is: 

What is your favorite writing craft book? Think of a book that every time you read it you learn something or you are inspired to write or try the new technique. And why?

As far as inspiration goes, Stephen King's 'On Writing' is my go-to. It's part autobiographical and part 'how to'. It's easy to follow with basic but helpful advice that you don't have to study to get down. Did you know that he threw his first draft of 'Carrie' in the trash? His wife fished it out. Thank goodness someone believed in him!

But just to throw my other 'must-have" favorites out there:

  • Marcy Kennedy's "A Busy Writer's Guide" series and in particular, Deep Point of View ,and Showing and Telling. These are short and easy to follow. 
  • Mary Buckham's "A Writer's Guide to Active Setting". If your setting is lacking, definitely pick this one up, it's pure magic. 
  • Renni Browne and Dave King's "Self-Editing for Fiction Writers". A must have for writers of all levels and especially helpful for self-publishers!

Also, I buy my favorites in paperback because I mark them up with notes in the margins and highlight the important bits and mark the pages with colored tags, like they're study guides. 

What are your go-to writing books 
for inspiration and how-to?


  1. I really like Self-Editing for fiction writers too. I've read Stephen King's book but not the others.

    1. I like Self-Editing because it's easy to read and very thorough.

  2. I don't have any go-to's. I did read GMC by Debra Dixon because my agent sent it to me. She felt I needed help, which I did!

  3. Love your writing craft book recommendations. Thanks Gwen!

    1. Thanks, Rachna--I'm on my way to go check out yours ;)

  4. Replies
    1. They are all easy to read and understand--that's what I like about them ;)

  5. We just read Marcy Kennedy's Deep Point of View for the book club. :D

    1. Oh, I hope you liked it! I found it very helpful.

  6. I'd never heard of any of these, so thanks for the recommendations!

  7. Thanks for the tips! I was just thinking I could use a book on editing, so I may just have a gander at that last one. Happy IWSG Day and have a great month, Gwen!

    Anne from

    1. All very organized and easy to read, you can even just pick a section to study. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. You might want to check out Elizabeth Lyon's Manuscript Makeover for another resource as well. I've read so many and found this truly useful, though my 'studying' now seems to come when I hit a stopping place/block in the writing and I have a specific problem to solve. Hope your writing goes well this coming month!

    1. My "studying" is always when I'm looking for a way around a writing issue. LOL.

  9. I mark up books too, Gwen, even my hard covers. Thank goodness for Stephen King's wife! I love his "On Writing" and his books. Thanks for your recommendations. My list to buy is getting longer. Happy writing in August.

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