
Wednesday, September 1, 2021

#IWSG: Success As A Writer


It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! If you'd like to join, go HERE.

This month's optional question is:
How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?

This is a tough one. Success means different things to different people, and certainly there is the financial aspect to consider. For me, I'd like to support myself as a writer. That would be real success! 

However, I'm also happy to write and publish and have my work appreciated, even with no great financial gain.

So, speaking of short story Elephant in the Tomb was runner up over at Women On Writing, and I was beyond thrilled to win a $25 Amazon card, along with an interview, and my story published (you can read it here). 

Now I call that a success! 
I felt as if I'd won the Pulitzer Prize!

What about you?

What does success as a writer look like to you? 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Diane--I feel very successful at the moment ;)

  2. Congrats on being a runner up! That's awesome! And yes, success does mean different things to different people.

  3. Success has different definitions for different people! Enjoy your $25 Amazon card!

  4. Congratulations!
    I would love to support myself with my writing, but I'm not there yet. I'm working at it. :)

  5. I've long since abandoned the idea of making a living from writing. Fortunately, I made other arrangements.

    Elephant in the Tomb is a wonderful story, Gwen. I hope the revelation allows Brother Bart to rest in peace. Congrats on your success!

  6. Happily, making a living from my writing has never been a necessity. I'm thrilled every time I sell a book :D

    1. I'm so thrilled when I've sold a book--I just wish it would happen more often LOL ;)

  7. Congrats on your win! It's no small thing.

  8. Congrats on your win! That is something to be proud of. Celebrate every little bit of success and enjoy your gift card! It'd be nice to be able to make a living from my writing, but that still seems like a far off dream to me.

  9. Way to go, Gwen! Congratulations! Stay safe, happy, and writing in September!

    1. Thanks, Fundy Blue! You and Terry stay safe and healthy too!


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