
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

#IWSG: #FearSucks #NoNegativityAllowed


Welp, it's January 2022 already! 

Happy New Year! 

This is the first Wednesday of the month and the first Insecure Writer's Support Group posting of the year. Need support or advice from the best writing community out there? Join us HERE.  

Thanks so much to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting, and to this month's co-hosts: Erika Beebe, Olga Godim, Sandra Cox, Sarah Foster, and Chemist Ken!

This month's optional question is: What's the one thing about your writing career you regret the most? Were you able to overcome it? 

Answer? I wish I had started writing sooner. I'd wanted to write for years, but circumstances were never right (according to the negative mind chatter that also said I couldn't do it, so why bother). And I wish that I hadn't let my fears keep me from actively writing once I did decide to start (you know, that negative mind chatter thing again that stopped me from putting words on paper because they weren't good enough). 

I've come to the conclusion that fear is the root of all evil. How many times have I let it get in the way?  How many times have I given negativity too much space in my head? Too many to count on both counts. 

Now I write because I can't not do it. Right or Wrong, Good or Bad, I just do it, which is what I should have done all along. 

Why does it take so long to learn a valuable lesson?

Do you let fear or negativity get in your way? 

What do you regret the most about your writing career,

and have you overcome it? 


  1. A lot of people have said they wish they'd started writing sooner. And yes, fear and negativity get in my way all the time. One of the reasons I may never get published is the fear of writing too slowly.

    1. I'm a slow writer too! It's so frustrating when I read about people writing/editing their 100K word books in a month. I hope to get faster when I have more time to devote to it. But you're going to get published, Natalie, in your own time.

  2. Circumstances are never right. We just have to start.

  3. Hi Gwen, I am trying to not let fear and negativity affect my writing. This year I plan to write and read lots and still not go harsh on myself.

    1. We need to be gentler with ourselves, especially given the current environment in which we live. That is one of my goals for this year. Good luck with your goals, Rachna!

  4. You jumped in, so you're way ahead of all those who chose not to. Keep on taking those writing risks in 2022!

    1. It took me a while, but yes, I jumped in! Woo hoo!

  5. Maybe the lessons take so long to learn because if they were quick, we wouldn't have the time put in to appreciate them.

    1. You’re absolutely right! I appreciate writing as a gift, and something that takes time to nurture.

  6. Fighting the fear itself - that is the most valuable lesson we all have to learn. Great post!

  7. Fear definitely holds one back. I'm glad you've gotten to where you can just move forward instead of letting it stop you.

    The Warrior Muse

    1. I'm still resistant to putting down words, but I suck it up and tell myself that I can't edit an empty page.

  8. Happy New Year, Gwen!
    I wish that I could write as fast as I read. *sigh* I'm too slow.
    But I'll move along at my snail pace...

    1. I am such a slow writer as well, but like the tortoise, I get there in the end ;)

  9. Happy New Year! I have the same regret. I've always been writing, but I hid it away for years before taking the first step to publishing. Funny how with age comes more bravery.

    1. I think it has something to do with that ticking clock!

  10. Fear can definitely hold us back. It's sly and, yes, evil like that. I'm glad that you did make it to writing and that it's so much a part of who you are. :)

    Happy New Year!

    1. As a writer I know you can relate, Chrys. Happy New Year!


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