
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

#IWSG Encouragement is Everything

It's Insecure Writer's Support Group Day! If you'd like to join us on the first Wednesday of every month, you can sign up HERE. 

As always, thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting, as well as the awesome co-hosts this month, Joylene Nowell Butler, Jacqui Murray, Sandra Cox, and Lee Lowery!
This month's optional question: Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

Answer: All my supporters are present and accounted for! My mom, sister, daughter and husband are my biggest supporters. 

Even so, my husband is my biggest supporter! Because of his encouragement I went to school, earned my degree, and discovered my love of writing. 

My husband is also my biggest fan (other than that one fan who always checks in to see when my next book is coming out LOL). He is the first to read my books and stories and says he loves them even though I know my cutesy paranormal cozy mysteries are on the opposite spectrum of what he usually reads. 

Whatever I'm endeavoring to do, my hubs is always my biggest supporter and fan. 

I used to play women's soccer, and he came to every game to cheer me on, referring to himself as my "athletic supporter" 😆

Grateful doesn't begin to describe how much his encouragement means to me!

Who is/was your biggest supporter?


  1. That's great that your husband is your best supporter and fan and that he's still here to do it. My husband was my biggest supporter when he was alive, and I'm super grateful for him and our time together.

    1. I'm sure he's still supporting you from above <3 *hugs*

  2. Hi Gwen, family support is so crucial, so glad that you had it.

  3. What a lovely tribute to your husband AND I'm very glad to hear your support group is alive and thriving.
    Love your header;)

  4. My husband doesn't read the genres I write either but he always reads my books. We are both lucky!

  5. It's wonderful that your support group is still with us. That's a blessing.

  6. Your husband sounds great! I have to say, I wish I had one of those. Mine isn't terrible, my family are not readers. Finding a beta reader is so hard for me. It's great you seem to have lots to chose from.

    1. I am indeed lucky that my hubs is such a big support. He doesn't beta read though ;)

  7. That's so cool that your husband is your biggest supporter! My hubby is really great that way as well. And he's good at helping me with plot holes! Nice that you have so many supportive people around you.

    1. So we're both lucky! My hubs doesn't beta read though, only after my books are published.

  8. What a guy! So happy for you to have that great supporter.

  9. My husband is my biggest fan and supporter too, though he never gets to be my athletic supporter because I'm about as athletic as a sloth.

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  11. So wonderful that you have a great supporter in your husband! And I adore your header--been a while since I've visited you.


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