
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It Was The Best of Times and Winners

"It was the best of times, it was the worst  best of times..."

Okay, I took liberties with Charles Dickens' quote from A Tale of Two Cities. I had to, because the Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour was absolutely, positively...

 "the best of times"!

Today marks the end of our tour! It's kind of sad - but not. Because it's not really the end, but the beginning. The beginning of our careers as writers and authors. More books are planned. Another PIP book tour is in the future. But that's only part of it. There's a world full of possibilities, full of branches and paths that lead to more interests and opportunities. Angela and I will have more adventures together, but not all of them. I wish all the best for Angela, and I know she wishes the same for me.

Thank you, Angela Brown, for the best of times! It's been such a fun and exciting adventure through self-publishing with you.

Thank you to Tara Tyler for hosting us yesterday and for creating and donating all our awesome banners and badge!

And to all our hosts and followers, your support and kind words have meant the world to us. The blogging community rocks. Thank you all so much!


And so where are we on our last day?

We are being interviewed by Natalie Aguirre over at Literary Rambles .

With our paranormal angle and all, it's really kind of fitting that our last day of the tour is on Halloween.

And by the last day, I mean not really today, but Friday. Because we sort of added another stop onto the end of the tour, because on Friday, we'll be over at Angela Orlowski-Peart's blog talking about paranormal abilities and realms.


Week 3 Winners are announced!

Shannen Aleene Romein - $10 Amazon gift card, Givin’ Up The Ghost ebook and 2 Personalized bookmarks

JC Martin – Neverlove ebook and Personalized bookmark

Jennie Bennett – 10 page critique and 50 page critique

Mary Preston – Personalized bookmark

Stephen Tremp – Personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners! You will be contacted soon :-)

The Big Swag Giveaway is still going on, too!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Talking With...Tara, Bears and Wolves

Today the Partners in ParanormYA are over at Tara Tyler Talks for a very different sort of interview. Do you like bears? How about wolves? And dogs? Yeah, it's different like that.

And speaking of Partners in ParanormYA, our teens, Abby (Neverlove) and Indigo (Givin' Up The Ghost), are getting ready for Halloween tomorrow - but they may need help finding the decorations.


Many thanks to Dianne Salerni for hosting me and Angela yesterday. We hope you enjoyed our real life case files!

Are you excited about Halloween? Doing anything special?

Monday, October 29, 2012

Monstrous Monday and Real Case PIP Files

Today is Monstrous Monday!
(For PIP blog tour update, please scroll below)

This is a blogfest / bloghop hosted by Tim Brannan at The Other Side.

To see the official rules, join, or follow the participants, go HERE.

It's simple. Just post your favorite monster. One you like, love or hate. It could be from your own novel or someone else's or from a movie - anything! 

I don't care for the really scary monsters, because, well, they're scary!

But I do adore the Fun-Scary monsters.

And so today, my feature monster is...


Why do I luurve her? She is just so sweet - and talented.

She can cook...

If she falls apart...

She can sew herself back together...

She can sing...

And that's why Jack Skellington loves her, too!

Are you participating in the blogfest?

What is your favorite monster?


Now, on to more blog tour information...

Thank you to Tyrean Martinson for hosting me and Angela last Friday. We appreciate your hospitality ever so much!

Today we're over at Dianne Salerni's blog talking about Real Case Partners in ParanormYA files. That's right, real paranormal stuff that's happened to us.

And of course, we still have our blogsitting teens over at Partners in ParanormYA, holding down the fort. We hope they're behaving after last weeks revenge scheme against the Devourer (Neverlove) and the Dark Shadow! (Givin' Up The Ghost).

There is still a giveaway going on over at PIP, so please stop by.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Getting Even With Evil

Haunted banner by Tara Tyler!



Thanks to the lovely ladies who hosted us yesterday,
Linda Jackson and Michelle Pickett.

Today, Angela and I are at Tyrean Martinsons blog talking about the love scenes we cut from our young adult novels. Why? Because they were, well, too hot for YA. At least our YA's.  


You are not going to want to miss the shenanigans our PIP Blogsitting teens are up to today. You know how the Devourer busted them last week by sending me and Angela the USB showing the unauthorized party they had? Well, they decided to get even with both the Devourer (Neverlove) and the Dark Shadow (Givin' Up The Ghost). If you want to see how, go through this portal. And please don't try this at home.

So how about you? Ever have to cut a hot scene? Or get even with evil entities? Want to share?

Week 3 is nearly over, but you still have time to enter the giveaway

And you can still win the Big Swag Giveaway!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fashion Intervention and Interview

Banner by the lovely Tara Tyler!

Thanks so much to Maria Zannini and JC Martin for opening their blogs to us yesterday. Your hospitality was much appreciated.

Today, the Partners are at Linda Jackson's blog being interviewed, Laverne and Shirley style. So which one's Laverne and which is Shirley? You'll have to stop by to see!

We'll also be at Michelle Pickett's place for a fashion intervention (and we're not saying who) by the most fashionable nineteenth century ghost madam I know, Franny Bishop from Givin' Up The Ghost. She'll be joined by Indigo and Abby (Neverlove) in a brand new show you won't want to miss, called Franny 911. 


Our teen characters, who should be blogsitting at PIP HQ,
are down in the seedier part of Blogtown. What are they
doing there? To find out, enter through this portal.

What are you wearing right now? Ever have a fashion intervention?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Not-Thought-Out Adventure + Other Stuff

Lovely banner by Tara Tyler!

Happy Wednesday to my PIP Peeps! And a lovely hump day it is.

The lovely JC Martin is interviewing both me and Angela Brown today. It would be so lovely if you stopped by.


We are also at Maria Zannini's blog talking about how to disperse with certain creepy creatures.


If you've been following our blog opera over at Partners in ParanormYA, those crazy teens of ours are on yet another not-thought-out adventure.

Have you ever been on a not-thought-out adventure?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cookin' Up Crazy

Banner by Tara Tyler!

Happy Tuesday!

We have winners from Week 2 Giveaway!

JC Martin - $10 Amazon gift card

Martha Campos-Arana – Neverlove ebook

Carolyn Brown – GUTG ebook

Angela Orlowski-Peart – 10 page critique

JC Martin – 50 page critique

Angela Orlowski-Peart – Personalized bookmark

Fiery Na – Personalized bookmark

Dee Dee Brinkman-Griffin – Personalized bookmark

Nick Wolford – Personalized bookmark

JC Martin – Personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners and Thank You So Much for participating! You will be contacted soon about receiving your prizes:)


Today, Angela Brown and I are over at Nadja Notariani's for a bit of excerpting - I think.

But if not, our teen delinquents from Neverlove and Givin' Up The Ghost are cooking up a crazy plan over at Partners in ParanormYA while they blogsit for us.

~Thank you so much to yesterday's hosts~

Cherie Reich


EJ Wesley

We appreciate your hospitality so much!

And there are still two giveaways!

Visit Partners in ParanormYA for the Big Swag Giveaway and for Week Three Giveaway.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Ain't Misbehavin'.....Much

Banner by the awesome Tara Tyler!

It's Week 3 of the PIP Blog Tour!

~Thank you so much to last Friday's hosts~
Elizabeth Seckman
Medeia Sharif

You ladies rock the blogging world!
Have I mentioned how much fun Angela and I are having? If you've been following our tour, you may have noticed that our tour posts have been heavily character-based. Every day our characters are up to something new. Game shows, a fashion show, a blog opera over at PIP. We hope you're enjoying it as much as we are.
Today, we're over at EJ Wesley's blog, where our female characters are showing off some of their special talents. Last I heard, EJ was looking pale as a ghost and swearing never to invite them back. We are sooooo sorry, EJ!

We certainly hope that our delinquent characters are behaving better over at Cherie Reich's blog. They can't really get into too much trouble just doing character spotlights. Right?



Week 3 Giveaway is up!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Big Swag Giveaway is still going on!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 19, 2012

Scary Grin and Mwahahahahaha!

Banner donated by Tara Tyler!

Happy Friday!
It's the end of week 2 of the
Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour.

A million thanks to yesterday's hosts,
Candilynn Fite and Susan Kaye Quinn.
Ya'll are rock stars!


What's happening on this lovely Friday?

1. Should our teenage blogsitters over at PIP Headquarters be wary of a suspicious grin? Why yes. Yes, I think they should.

2. Speaking of suspicious grins, above said blogsitters are on their way to Medeia Sharif's blog for a little Q&A. Should they be scared? Why yes. Yes, I think they should. Mwahahahaha!

3. I believe I mentioned the cloning bit in one of my posts. So
that enables Angela and I to be in two places at once. We'll be at Elizabeth Seckman's talking about angels, demons and other related stuff. And we'll be making a surprise (and we're not saying who will be the most surprised) visit HERE. Mwahahahahah!


Purchase Angela Brown’s Neverlove at
Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Amazon FR, and Amazon DE.

Purchase Gwen Gardner’s Givin’ Up The Ghost
at Amazon US and Amazon UK.

And there are two giveaways! Visit Partners in ParanormYA
for the Big Swag Giveaway

The Week Two Giveaway is HERE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Quick Shoot and Shady Characters

The awesome banner? By the awesome Tara Tyler!

Thursday of Week 2 PIP Blog Tour!

A barrel full of thanks to yesterday's hosts,
Mina Burrows and Carol Kilgore. You ladies are awesome!

What's happening today?

1. An interrogation at PIP Headquarters

2. A Quick Shoot at Candilynn's blog

3. And some very shady characters over at Susan Quinn's blog



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction and A Secret

Awesome banner by Tara Tyler!

It's Wednesday of Week 2 Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour!

Many thanks to yesterday's awesome hosts,
 C.M. Brown and Millie Holmes.

What's going on today?

First, our teenage blogsitting characters are over
at PIP Headquarters trying to figure out a damage control
plan. Are they in trouble? Why yes. Yes they are.

Today Angela and I will be at Mina Burrow's blog talking
about truth being stranger than fiction - and we'll be
revealing a secret about ourselves.

And we'll also be at Carol Kilgore's blog speaking about
 stretching the imagination.

As a reminder, we have a Week 2 Giveaway


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Devil at the Door

Thanks for the banner, Tara Tyler!

Happy Tuesday of PIP Blog Tour Week 2!

Thanks for hosting us yesterday, Angie Sandro!
 And Shelly Arkon do not despair about the mix-up. Sir Poops and Hair Ball did just fine. You gals rock!

And, we have winners from Week 1 Rafflecopter, chosen randomly by

Carolyn B. - $15 Amazon Card

Elizabeth H. – Neverlove ebook

Tara T. – Givin’ Up The Ghost ebook

Crystal Y. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Ellie G. – personalized bookmark

Shallee McArthur – personalized bookmark

Congratulations to the winners, and thank you so much for participating and supporting Angela and me. I'll be contacting you through email to see how you'd like to receive yours prize, i.e., email addresses and in the case of bookmarks, I'll need your physical address.

Thanks again!

There's a lot going on today. For one thing, someone needs
to lecture our girls over at Partners in ParanormYA Headquarters
about not opening the door to the freaking devil!

So, um, maybe you can do it?

*shakes head*

Those girls just don't listen to me or Angela.
They think they can handle anything.

In the meantime, Angela and I are being interviewed at

and Indigo and Abby should be over at

preparing to protest over a subject near
and dear to our self-publishing hearts.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Love Bites and Phantasmic Fashionistas

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Whew! Last week was a whirlwind of touring,
talking, and delinquent teen characters.

The tour is progressing nicely, though, and I'd like to thank you all again
for the awesome support you've shown. The writing community rocks!

And a big thank you to last Friday's host, Ciara Knight.


Where are we today?

The girls, Indigo and Abby, are still blogsitting at PIP Headquarters.

Angela Brown and I will be at Angie Sandro's blog with a Phantasmic Fashionista fashion show. The paranormal kind that you won't want to miss!

We will also be at Shelly Arkon's place where she's interviewing our young cast members about luurve...


And of course, we have another giveaway for Week 2!

And the Big Swag Giveaway is still going on!

Friday, October 12, 2012

A Madam, A Priest and the Devil

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!
First, I want to let you know that I'm being interviewed over at Unicorn Bell today. That'd be awesome if you could stop by:)

And in case you didn't know, I've been posting
over at Run Gwen, Run! every Friday for the Healthy Writer's Club.


Thank you so much, Meradeth Houston,
for graciously opening your blog to us yesterday! 
Angela Brown and I truly appreciate it.


It's day five of the Partners in ParanormYA Blog
Tour - we made it through the first week! Be sure to stop
by PIP Headquarters and see what our delinquent teens have been up to.

And so where are we today?

With Ciara Knight (ever heard the one about the madam and the priest?)


with Cam, talking about sucking and touching...

We hope you can stop by!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Week 1 Giveaway ends Sunday night, so be sure to enter!

And the Big Swag Giveaway is still going until the end of the month!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A Ghost of a Chance

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Thank you Jessa Russo and J.L. Campbell for hosting the Partners in ParanormYA yesterday. We are truly grateful!

Today is Day Four of the PIP Blog Tour.

Where are we today?

Yes, we are breathing a slight sigh of relief after someone who owns this blog double-booked us nearly every day. But we love me her and forgive her.

And we hope you can stop by Meradeth's today!

And, if you get the ghost of a chance, please check up on our stop by our PIP blog because there are a couple of teenage characters over there who have been left on their own all week. Oh - and a GIVEAWAY!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bullying and Organized Chaos

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Thank you so much to Brooke Johnson and Brinda Berry for hosting us yesterday. We appreciate the support so much!

And Now....Day Three of the Partners in ParanormYA Blog Tour.

Where are we today?

With Jessa Russo, talking about teenage bullying and how our characters overcome it...

...and with J.L. Campbell talking about how Angela Brown and I work together.

We hope you can stop by!

Week One Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Big Swag Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Darling Killers and You Take The Ghost

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Yesterday's launch over at Alex Cavanaugh's blog was a BLAST! Thank you so much, Alex. We can't thank you enough for your kindness and generosity.


Day two of the Partners in ParanormYA blog tour.

Want to read about Darling Killers? Go to Brook Johnson's blog.

Or how about how paranormal activity affects technology? Head on over to Brinda Berry's blog.

Of course, you can do both. Since we've double-booked, Angela Brown and I have had to clone ourselves so we can be in two places at once. If you want, we'll send you the concoction recipe. And don't believe a word Angela says - it does not taste like devil poop!


Purchase Angela Brown’s Neverlove at Amazon US, Amazon UK, Barnes and Noble, Amazon FR, and Amazon DE.
Purchase Gwen Gardner’s Givin’ Up The Ghost at Amazon US (ebook), Amazon US (print) and Amazon UK.

Okay, crazy me forgot to put up the rafflecopter links here yesterday!

And there are two giveaways! Visit Partners in ParanormYA for the Big Swag Giveaway and for the Week One Giveaway

Monday, October 8, 2012

Launch Day! GUTG and Neverlove!

Thanks for the awesome banner, Tara Tyler!

Do you know what today is?

It's launch day for the Partners in ParanormYA blog tour!


Today, we'll be over at Alex Cavanaugh's blog for blast off!

Angela Brown and I are so excited for the release of our novels Neverlove and Givin' Up The Ghost.

We hope you'll follow as we tour Blogtown. Our tour schedule is over in the sidebar. Every day will be a brand new post featuring our characters, creatures, and of course, us!

Also, please feel free to spy on drop in on the Partners in ParanormYA blog - our teenage MC's are house-sitting while we're gone.

Both books are now available on Amazon:

Givin' Up The Ghost ebook on Amazon HERE.

Givin' Up The Ghost print book on Amazon HERE.

Neverlove ebook on Amazon HERE.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Finally in Print: The Faerie Guardian!

I am so excited to help Rachel Morgan reveal the cover for her print version of the Creepy Hollow series. I just reviewed her last book, Masquerade, on Monday. So you know how much I adore this series!

Here's the scoop:

Title: The Faerie Guardian

Author: Rachel Morgan

Release Date: 5 Nov 2012

Protecting humans from dangerous magical creatures is all in a day’s work for a faerie training to be a guardian. Seventeen-year-old Violet Fairdale knows this better than anyone—she’s about to become the best guardian the Guild has seen in years. That is, until a cute human boy who can somehow see through her faerie glamour follows her into the fae realm. Now she’s broken Guild Law, a crime that could lead to her expulsion.

The last thing Vi wants to do is spend any more time with the boy who got her into this mess, but the Guild requires that she return Nate to his home and make him forget everything he’s discovered of the fae realm. Easy, right? Not when you factor in evil faeries, long-lost family members, and inconvenient feelings of the romantic kind. Vi is about to find herself tangled up in a dangerous plot—and it’ll take all her training to get out of it alive.


This novel was originally published in four separate parts: Guardian, Labyrinth, Traitor and Masquerade. It includes bonus scenes at the end.

Giveaway Time!

The bonus scenes at the end of the book are NOT written from the main character's point of view. If you'd like to win a $10 Amazon gift card, all you have to do is guess whose point of view these scenes are written from! Head on over to the cover reveal post at Rachel Morgan Writes and fill in the Rafflecopter form. There's a list of characters there that you can choose from. Good luck!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

EVER: Character Casting and Availability

Today I'm hosting the awesome Jessa Russo on my blog, in honor of her new release, EVER.

Welcome, Jessa!

I do love character casting. But Jessa, I'm sorry, Jennifer Lawrence cannot play Ever in the movie version, because she'll be busy playing Indigo (from my book). Sorry...


Thank you so much for hosting me for today’s blog tour stop, Gwen!

If I were living the ultimate dream, and not only was I facing the awesomeness of a movie deal, but I was ALSO allowed to cast my characters myself, I would cast Emma Roberts as Ever Van Ruysdael.

If she was busy (what?) I would cast Aimee Teegarden. I adore her in Friday Night Lights. ADORE.

Both Emma Roberts and Aimee Teegarden have the right face – innocent and pure, with a hint of mischief. They would have to have their hair dyed black, and probably gain a few pounds (Ever is curvier than most seventeen-year-olds) … throw in some brown contacts, and dress them in black leggings, black chucks, and a baggy tank top, and VOILA! The perfect Ever Van Ruysdael. In my humble opinion.

And if they weren’t available – how they could have something better to do, I have no idea – I think Jennifer Lawrence with black hair and brown contacts would be another really great option.

So I guess we’ll see where that goes, huh? One can hope!!

I will be casting the supporting roles over on Juliana Haygert’s blog next week (10/11)! Be sure to pop on over to see pictures of my choices for the perfect Frankie, Toby and Jessie!

Seventeen-year-old Ever’s love life has been on hold for the past two years. She’s secretly in love with her best friend Frankie, and he’s completely oblivious.

Of course, it doesn't help that he’s dead, and waking up to his ghost every day has made moving on nearly impossible.

Frustrated and desperate for something real, Ever finds herself falling for her hot new neighbor Toby. His relaxed confidence is irresistible, and not just Ever knows it. But falling for Toby comes with a price that throws Ever’s life into a whirlwind of chaos and drama. More than hearts are on the line, and more than Ever will suffer.

Some girls lose their hearts to love.

Some girls lose their minds.

Ever Van Ruysdael could lose her soul.