Wednesday, January 6, 2021

#IWSG: #HookMeFast #NoWhimperingFemales

Hello! It's the first post of the year for the Insecure Writer's Support Group and I'm co-hosting! Click on the link if you'd like to sign up!

Thanks to Alex Cavanaugh for hosting this monthly event, and thanks so much to the awesome co-hosts: Ronel Janse van Vuuren , J Lenni Dorner, Gwen Gardner Sandra Cox, and Louise - Fundy Blue!

This month's optional question: Being a writer, when you're reading someone else's work, what stops you from finishing a book/throws you out of the story/frustrates you the most about other people's books? 

I read for pleasure and entertainment, so I don't want to be bored. Hook me fast! 
  • Too much backstory, too much description, too long to get to the point of the story--and I'll put the book down. 
  • Give me unique characters and an original story--or at least a twist on an original story--and I'll stick with it. Tell me an interesting story and I'm yours forever! 
  • A bit of snark and humor is important. Make me smile or laugh. 
  • And NO whimpering or whiney females, please!
Other than that, I'm easy to please. 
How about you?

What causes you to put a book down? 
What are your "must-haves" in a book or story?